Translation of What Your Crush's Texts Really Mean

what does it mean when a guy texts xo

what does it mean when a guy texts xo - win

My mother-in-law is crazier than yours 🤣

Warning: It’s long and if you read it all you may lose your mind.
— Mother-in-law’s messages below —
I did not send you Simon Parks did I? Sorry I didn’t mean to send it to you it won’t happen again. You’ll see how crazy pretty soon. Love u
****** I love you to death but you ****** ******* and ****** are so in the dark I cannot even bring you up to speed or I’m going to try to. At least you could’ve really think what you wanna think and believe what you wanna believe and I will do the same. Love you so much promise I won’t send anymore to you didn’t mean to Just delete it. XO. Time will show us who is right and who was wrong that’s all I can say Don’t be concerned. Just watch what happens.
The Gods of Eden by William Bramley. Great read. Start there! XO Hold onto your hat
In the bill that the party you voted for just passed they demand disclosure within 120 days. Read that part of the bill and maybe you won’t be so surprised? Just throwing that out there you might wanna do some research on that. Love you guys
I will take my tinfoil hat off after you read that book and read that bill. Lol
Time will tell. Hang onto your hat! Urantia? stitchin? Bible? Fiction. You can’t fix evil you don’t believe exist ****. If you think everything I believe is a conspiracy theory I really feel sorry for your lack of faith in me. You have no idea the network of people that I have met in the last 15 years and the information that I receive. You believe rumor mills garbage but you believe everything the ** brother say. As does ***. Unfortunately we are on two completely opposite ends of the political spectrum. You believe I’m brainwashed and I think The same. Time will show us who’s right and who’s wrong. Everything you were ever taught was a lie everything you ever believed it was a lie and you are going to quotebased on fact checking with the same corrupt system that tells you shit on television media and Internet what’s real and what’s not. I have learned to think for myself and do my own research and use my own discernment and I don’t believe any one source or anyone bought or any one thing. How are you could ever vote for Biden after the overwhelming evidence of money laundering with him his son his entire family they own an island called Waters Island right next to Epstein‘s island they’re heavily involved in pedophilia and they are part of the crowd. He has been there for 46 years and look at the mess our country is in but you’re gonna blame it all on Trump because you’re brainwashed to hate Trump. You hate trump so much that you would hand your country over to utter communism and it’s sickening. We are in a communist overthrow of our country and if you don’t believe me you are soon going to find out and sadly going to find out. Do you think your party is the party of tolerance. They watch cities burn by BLM and antifa funded by Soros at $38 an hour and burn cities down for literally months but antifa goes to the capital and instigates with a bunch of innocent Trump followers behind them and they are using this crisis like all false flags to make a mockery of our president like it’s his fault. They are closing down all social media for any anti-VAX or Trump supporter conservative opinion and they have totally silenced your entire family except for you and the *’s. Our entire family and everybody I know thinks the way I think. All of us are completely shut off social media and Internet and called conspiracy theories by the main stream mockingbird propaganda media that is the entire corrupt legislature of the United States supporting it and then supporting them. Your belief and your hate for Trump or enough for you to watch your Country turn socialist and then communist as every country in the world that was ever socialist resulted in communism and watch your family go to concentration camps for their beliefs and not vaccination which are now bio weapons. Get your flu shots get your flu shots so that your 85% more likely to test positive for Covid and 55% more likely to contract Covid and get your Covid vaccine which is not even a vaccine but change is the human cell to be a pathogen creator based on four fantastic educated scientist that I listen to in addition to millions more that are now losing their medical careers for speaking up after all we are already communist. They are silencing opposition they are shutting down the ability for your president to speak in a country called the US. Every person that our entire family and everybody I listen to have been taken off the Internet. I don’t care how much you hate trump how you could ever even vote for Biden know when their agenda and his senility and his criminal background scares the living shit out of me and I’m concerned. Chyna released on the Friday before the election Biden tapes of Hunter raping a 10 year old but I saw personally and if you think I’m making that up you’re wrong they took those sites down the Friday before the election because that would’ve destroyed the Biden election. This is war for real and you are in the dark and you have no clue what’s going on because you’re so entrenched in your beliefs and you only listen to those that in force your beliefs. You can say I do the same but I have so much information from so many different resources and sources and everyone I know is not on Biden‘s side. Nancy Pelosi‘s laptopWas just taken from the Capital in a sting operation and she had dirty bombs on her laptop and she had the request for 500,000 Chinese to come in Long Beach Naval shipyard to take down Trump. The reason for the Pakistan black out was because of General Electric and the Dems supported a sale in the billions of General Electric to the Chinese and all of our military secrets were given to them in 2013 by the person you had your arm around in 2008 called Obama. Obama transferred $400 million through the Vatican in Italy through a satellite called Leonardo are responsible for the voter fraud in the live changing of the votes from Trump to Biden. Biden couldn’t get 12 people in the hall during his campaign trail and there were 3 million people in Washington on 6 January before antifa and BLM who were escorted by Washington police on two buses and people I know personally watch them get off the buses and they knew instantly they were antifa. Two buses went from **’s neighborhood in Pennsylvania and I know so many people personally that were there that testified to me personally that antifa stirred up the shit. Four of the people that died died of seizures and heart attacks and not of violence. The only violent acts were a girl shot in cold blood by someone who planned it for a false flag for the purpose that you were witnessing and someone got hit by a fire sting wisher. There are antifa that are now testifying and whistle blowingThat were paid $38 an hour to be there. Soros has done color revolutions that you are a sucker for in more countries and you can Shake a stick at and succeeded and overthrowing those countries and that is what they are doing here and you were falling for it hook line and sinker. I am just appointed in your discernment and your research and I don’t know where you get your information but your hate for Trump has blinded you. You were on the wrong side of history and time will show you where you’ll get it in your next go around. I love you to death you’re disappointed in my beliefs and I’m disappointed in yours but I don’t love you any less
If I sent you everything I knew you would I feel be way more on our page but I don’t bother because I know better. Your indoctrinated your hate for Trump has blinded you and your country is over if Trump does it pull this out of the sand. You will watch your parents go to concentration camps under forced vaccine laws like New York bill 416. Take a look at that. And HR bill 6666 Federal
You don’t think Satan is alive and well after you read those bills they will change your mind trust me
We physically stopped a pandemic that they tried to start in 2008 and people died in that conflict. I lived it with dad as my witness and it was horrific. What they’re doing with this Covid shit that you believe which is a whole other discussion-that’s exactly what they were attempting to start in 2008 and we physically stopped them exposed to their plan and they went crawling back in their holes. Your disbelief of my testimony breaks my heart and you have no idea what dad and I live through. You drove across country because of what we said and it was as real as I am sitting here but we stopped it we literally stopped it. They regrouped and came back with Covid which is exactly what they were trying to do then I was there you weren’t. I went to the Townhall meetings with all the officials and all the AP routers cameras behind me with all the same bullshit they did with this Covid plandemic. I repeat plan Demic. Your loving making six digits sitting at home working but you don’t understand the children that are getting mentally ill committing suicide getting bacterial pneumonia from wearing masks and going along with this horseshit and you were going along with it just like the rest of the world because it benefits you. Everyone is doing selective quarantine and quarantining when they want to and quarantine when they don’t when it gets him out of doing things they don’t want to do. It’s disgusting it’s control it’s communism and you fall for it as ****** does hook line and sinker and it’s disgusting. ****** hasn’t seen her granddaughter in a year and my mother hasn’t left her house and he’s getting dementia from being so cooped up. People are dying alone without someone holding their hand in their last hours and we can’t even have funerals for people we just lost. Our economy is destroyed there are more homeless and starving people than we have ever seen in US history and everybody just keeps wearing those masks and jokes that I don’t even mind wearing them I’m kind of getting used to it. I could throw up. Stay home keep wearing your mask keep believing the bullshit keep believing the brainwashing and the control and who is behind COVID-19 and it’s a scape in a Wuhan lab the Bill and Melinda Gates corporation and FauciAnd I’m sure that’s just conspiracy theory to
You are experiencing the great awakening and you’re gonna wake up whether you like it or not. And I will be there when you do
The entire false flag at the Capital and Washington on January 6 was a democratic ploy just like the Russian collusion horseshit the impeachment horseshit and antifa BLM horseshit. Trump won in a landslide 80 to 120,000,000 people voted for him and believe it or not California was red and had 10 million votes missing. Pelosi and her crowd up and running your state for 40 years and they had their Vineyard running when everybody else was losing their homes and you like the guy. We’ll talk about brainwashing Sunday and it isn’t me
I said my piece you said yours no more politics how’s the weather?
— My wife’s responses below —
We shall see if the Simon Parkes “mother” green alien comes down through the black hole portal to communicate to all of us through telepathy about how a hair dryer will save us all from covid-19 that was invented in a private lab surrounded by tinfoil wearing scientists in China by the Clinton Foundation where they planned it in the basement of a pizza restaurant in Washington DC with the help of reptilian crisis actors for every major mass shooting of the past century.🤣
The world was supposed to end a million times since you got yourself brainwashed. And the Illuminati qanon was supposed to arrest hillary Clinton and joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi everyday since 2016. 🤷‍♀️
I didn’t know you were a UFO expert too?! 👏🏽
Save yourself. I don’t know how but I pray for you everyday. And I’m not religious.
I love you too ❤️
I could go on and on about how crazy the stuff you believe in is… but it’s a waste of my time. Literally everything you said is inaccurate and sincerely insane.
You are aligning yourself with a domestic terrorist organization and a narcissistic insane president who just tried to overthrow our democratic government. Donald Trump is a facist white supremacy terrorist and the fact that you don’t know that is sad and embarrassing. Trump lost the election. Obviously and clearly.
Your grip on reality hasn’t been the same since 2001 - and I highly recommend seeing a therapist to help you with your PTSD that has snowballed into delusions.
Everything is a false flag to you. Everything involved crisis actors. You are unhinged in your lack of critical thinking.
You are obsessed with fighting with people and you are even more obsessed with trying to pull people into your cult.
I’ve asked you for over 12 years to stop sending me your crazy shit so that I could at least pretend I could have a relationship with you… but you always have and always will put your cult over your family - you simply cannot help but assault everyone who you have an email address or phone number for - I’m embarrassed to think of the people who receive your emails and texts.
You sit at home in your government paid for housing (either through your government pension or 9/11 payout) while you vote for a party that tries to strip away healthcare from millions of innocent children and families who need it. You sit at home in a town of 819 people during a pandemic while you try to judge people who live in major cities who don’t want to get a deadly pandemic disease. Just as you tried to recruit people to not pay their taxes while you went ahead and paid yours. That’s something you and Donald Trump share in common. Cowards. Always trying to get other people to do your dirty work for you.
You vote for a party that tries to strip rights away from your daughter. You vote for a party that actively destroys this country - socially, economically, environmentally, educationally, and empathetically every single day. You vote for a party that didn’t want to renew funding for 9/11 victims. You vote for a racist party. You are a pawn in their white supremacy game.
Don’t write to me telling me that I enjoy kids getting sick. You’re despicable.
I don’t like to get personal. But since you did. I figured it was fair game. 😊
The weather here has been pretty nice! 49 tonight - but it will be in the high 60s this week! Just another reason why I love California.
submitted by DeprogrammerAnon to QAnonCasualties [link] [comments]

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly US-Paratroopers (WW2) recruiting for 2nd Platoon

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly US-Paratroopers (WW2) recruiting for 2nd Platoon
tl;dr: WW2-Milsim Unit with emphasis on being beginner friendly and not too serious outside operations looking for more members for 2nd platoon. Apply through our forums if you´re interested!
Important Links
Official Youtube:
Some funny videos recorded and edited by some of our guys:
Operation Glacier ; Operation Polyphemos ; recent Training Operation
Our very own newspaper:
Stars and Stripes, Nov. 2nd
Here´s some pics so you get the idea:

Members of Platoon HQ and second Squad during the aftermath of a convoy ambush

German Luftwaffe Night Raid on a city we just left

Members of the 91st in a Flak position we just took

Screenshot of one of our Horror-Fun Ops
To be a part of the unit you just need to join our Forums: There you can fill in your (very short) application form and then you´ll get an automatic welcome message with further instructions. Just follow them and someone will be in touch with you shortly!
We only do Basic Combat Trainings for serious applicants, so please make up your mind before you decide to join us. While we do not generally reject people who already play in another unit and we don´t have mandatory attendance rules when real life clashes with your wish to play arma, we will not commit to someone who is not willing to show the same commitment to our unit. Doing a basic training for someone who doesnt wish to join after all is just wasting the time of the applicant and the trainers alike. Afteryou´ve passed the interview phase and the BCT you earned your jump wings and are considered a full member of the unit with the rank of Pvt. You´ll be then assigned to Platoon HQ for a brief probation period. Once that´s done for, you´ll be assigned to one of the Squads in the Platoon you were trained in.
As you can see, we are a semi-professional WW2 Milsim unit that plays as US Paratroopers. We might be quite a new unit but we´re growing fast nevertheless. Currently Fox Company only consists of Company HQ and 1st Platoon with a Platoon HQ Section and 3 Rifle Squads. The 91st currently has roughly 60 members, attendance rates at the operations range between 35 - 40 players. We do aim for a full Company sized unit in the future, and are preparing the launch of our second platoon! There´s still vacant slots in there, tho, so don't you worry! Another goal of the unit is to go through different eras as time goes on, so World War II will most likely be followed by Vietnam at one point (in the far future).
The unit is relatively new and was created in May 2020 and one of our dedicated focuses is clearly to give inexperienced people a chance to play the game like it´s meant to be. That doesnt mean we are utterly inexpierienced. Our Company HQ brings tons of Milsim experience to the table and we do have several veterans of different, now disbanded or still active units. We have a whole crowd of very talented mission makers and aim for a pleasant and exciting experience for everyone. However, we are quite open to absolute newcomers and at least half of our players haven´t been in a Milsim Unit before. That means nobody will do the "Drill Sergeant" on you if you make a mistake. Every 'veteran' is there to help you and will give advice when needed. Especially your NCO's will always try to help you, be it with good advice, answering questions or doing some special short trainings to show you the ropes. Also we don´t take ourselves too serious, as you can see in the video links i posted initially.
We´re currently looking for recruits to fill up a 2nd Platoon so thatis where YOU come in! Right now, we´re fighting in France in our European Campaign, so now is the perfect time to join!
The 91st is led by the principle that, while we do act professionally and as realistic as possible during operations and training, after all we are NOT in the real US Army so we aren´t that rigid when we´re not on official stuff. While we are trying to be as professional as we are able to in the field, new players shouldn´t be afraid to join us. Our NCO´s and CO´s are not only selected by skill and competence, but by personality too. We do make sure that whoever is put in charge of a part of the unit is someone who is there for his guys and is always keen to help new players with problems they might have. You can, after all, learn game skills and tactics, but you can't unlearn being an **********.
91st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fox Company: The 91st Airborne was formed on the 4th of July 1940 as an experimental unit to be dropped behind enemy lines and disrupt enemy communication and supply lines, Recruitment started on the 9th of September 1940 and the unit was designated the 91st Parachute Infantry Regiment. [CLASSIFIED] was chosen as the location for the training facility under the name Camp Roanoke. On the 29th of April the recruits were in, under the command of Captain D. Winters and his back then XO Compton. Fox Company was the first to form. Unlike any other, this experimental unit had to meet the highest level of training as the soldiers were expected to fight without resupply for days as they jumped feet first into the chilly breeze of Axis occupied Europe. After the campaign in [CLASSIFIED] ended successfully, the 91st Airborne are currently fighting in France in the Western European Theatre of War.
We play as US Paratroopers in WW2, which means that the missions revolve around infantry based combat with little supplies. But the supply-situation is by far not the only difficulty we are facing during operations, since with the lack of any modern equipment, you´ll get challenged in ways you have never before. Because of that, there is a mandatory Basic Combat Training (BCT) that recruits will have to attend before they earn their Jump Wings and can join us in operations. It covers 3 phases that can be done on different dates since the training itself can be time-consuming and we see that recruits might have other plans. BCT Covers all the techniques, tactics and tools that are not part of your standard Arma III experience because of the setting or because they were added by mods. This includes but is not limited to: Our very own Code of Conduct, weapon and equipment familiarisation, formations and reaction to enemy fire, urban combat training, ACE and Enhanced Movement Mod familiarisation, Navigation without map markers or GPS and of course jumping and landing procedures. The BCT can be longer or shorter, depending on how familiar you are with the information provided. This ensures that you know the tools and tactics we use to fight and win our battles. Once BCT is completed, you are considered a full and equally respected member of the 91st Airborne. After you completed your BCT you´re a full member of the unit and can join us in our adventures. As your first assignment you´ll play as a rifleman in Platoon HQ to get a feeling for the Platoon related tactics and the general feeling of our operations. This probation period will last for 6 events, after that you´ll get your final assignment in one of the Rifle Sections. There are Platoon and Squad level live fire trainings if the Platoon HQ or the Squad Leader thinks, his or her group could use some excercise in certain areas. These always contain a little training part and an actual operation part, where we use what we´ve just learned so it doesnt get dull and theoretical. Operations revolve typically around a single target that needs to be taken, with several secondary targets along the way. Primary targets can be villages, cities, strategically valuable positions or enemy officers we need to capture. Our excellent mission makers make sure that the missions are always balanced with the number of attending players and diverse in their setting and objectives while being part of a coherent campaign so it never get´s boring or frustrating. These operations are then, again, embedded into an consistent campaign where the outcome of our operations affect the following missions directly and indirectly.
  • A welcoming, friendly environment: We would rather see ourselves as a group of friends than a Milsim Unit if we are not on operations or official training.
  • Professional Operations: That however does not mean our operations devolve to a band of headless chicken running around and probably shooting each other. Both the mission files and the execution are as professional as it gets
  • Training that fits the needs of the recruits: If you´re a seasoned player we will try or best not to bore you, if it is your first time ever playing Arma we will make sure to help you getting to know everything you need
  • Promotions based on skill and character: While a candidate for a NCO or CO position has to show that he is fit for said rank, that is not limited to an understanding of tactics and other game-related topics. A candidate also must have a certain character, he has to have an open ear for the game-related problems of his men and has to be helpful and not belittling. The NCO´s and CO´s job is first and foremost to ensure that everybody enjoys the experience.
  • A new gameplay experience: The setting and the restrictions it brings as well as the mods we use to add tools create a rather unique experience that differs from your standard Arma III gameplay. The lack of equipment like GPS, NVGs or Scopes and Supressors as well as the added realism through mods like ACE and Enhanced Movement come together in a mix that might look hard but leads to an immersive and addictive experience that you don´t want to miss again after you´ve done your first operation.
  • Fun Ops: Outside of our regular official Operations and Platoon Trainings, we do have a lot of Fun Ops. Dedicated Events are planned and held outside of our regular schedule whenever the mission makers got the spare time to prepare them. These events include, but are not limited to WW2 based PVP and PVE missions (with a twist like Zombies, Monsters and Aliens) as well as the occasional non-WW2-stuff. Apart from that we also play fun WW2-related gamemodes on the server when no mission or training is being held. For now we got a resistance scenario called "Vindicta" going, which is great fun and comes with era appropriate equipment and enemies.
  • Flexibility on roles: While you can apply for a specialist slot, that doesnt mean you´ll only get to play as a rifleman when there are no vacant slots left. We do offer specialist trainings for all the different roles and encourage our squad members to play as different roles so things dont get boring. So switching classes with a squadmate or filling in for a medic who´s on vacation is absolutely possible and very much encouraged.
  • A legal copy of Arma III, no DLC´s required as of now
  • Being 17+ (exceptions are possible, depends on maturity)
  • Your willingness to learn and to follow orders
  • Some knowledge of the english language. Since many of our members are not native speakers however, there is no need for perfect english, we just have to understand each other. By the way, be aware that the author of this text is no native speaker, so sorry for any errors I made along the way
  • A working microphone
  • To respect your fellow paratroopers and in return to be respected
  • A sense of humour is helpful
  • Empathy towards new players, we will not tolerate anyone belittling someone else because of his lack of experience
  • Some level of commitment, especially from players who play in other units as well. There´s no mandatory attendance rules when real life stuff happens, but we will not commit to someone who does not want to commit to us. We are, after all, a unit and not some sort of backup plan. So please do only apply if you actually want to join us and play with us for longer than an evening and a half.
The 91st Airborne do offer quite a few roles which work together like cogs in a wheel. The roles are as follows:
  • Rifleman
  • Rifle Grenadier
  • Autorifleman
  • Machine Gunner
  • Machine Gunner Assistant
  • AT Specialist
  • AT Assistant
  • Radioman
  • Medic
Apart from that, there is a number of CO and NCO-Positions which you can be chosen for provided that a position is vacant and that you prove yourself character and skill-wise.
As of now Operations start on Saturday 18:00 BST. Most of our Units members are from all around Europe so we schedule operations and trainings with that in mind. However, if you´ve got no problem with that fact, you are absolutely welcome in the 91st, wherever you might live. BCT Dates will be provided depending on how many recruits there are. As of now, Thursday is reserved for Platoon Excercises. If you can not attend our operations or excercises, we ask you to tell your Squad Leaders so they can relay that information to Company HQ. Keep in mind, the Operations need to be balanced to the number of players that will be attending so that information is vital.
That´s all, I think. Sorry for the wall of text. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
submitted by 91stAirborne to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly and relaxed but professional WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly and relaxed but professional WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon
tl;dr: WW2-Milsim Unit with emphasis on being beginner friendly and not too serious outside operations looking for more members for 2nd platoon. Apply through our forums if you´re interested!
Important Links
Official Youtube:
Some funny videos recorded and edited by some of our guys:
Operation Glacier ; Operation Polyphemos ; recent Training Operation
Our very own newspaper:
Stars and Stripes, Nov. 2nd
Here´s some pics so you get the idea:
First Platoon, First Squad, fighting in an urban area

First Platoon, Company HQ, planning the next step

First Platoon, 2nd Squad, getting wet boots (and more)

First Platoon strolling through a forest on a nice summer day... what could go wrong?
To be a part of the unit you just need to join our Forums: There you can fill in your (very short) application form and then you´ll get an automatic welcome message with further instructions. Just follow them and someone will be in touch with you shortly!
We only do Basic Combat Trainings for serious applicants, so please make up your mind before you decide to join us. While we do not generally reject people who already play in another unit and we don´t have mandatory attendance rules when real life clashes with your wish to play arma, we will not commit to someone who is not willing to show the same commitment to our unit. Doing a basic training for someone who doesnt wish to join after all is just wasting the time of the applicant and the trainers alike. Afteryou´ve passed the interview phase and the BCT you earned your jump wings and are considered a full member of the unit with the rank of Pvt. You´ll be then assigned to Platoon HQ for a brief probation period. Once that´s done for, you´ll be assigned to one of the Squads in the Platoon you were trained in.
As you can see, we are a semi-professional WW2 Milsim unit that plays as US Paratroopers. We might be quite a new unit but we´re growing fast nevertheless. Currently Fox Company only consists of Company HQ and 1st Platoon with a Platoon HQ Section and 3 Rifle Squads. The 91st currently has roughly 60 members, attendance rates at the operations range between 35 - 40 players. We do aim for a full Company sized unit in the future, and are preparing the launch of our second platoon! There´s still vacant slots in there, tho, so don't you worry! Another goal of the unit is to go through different eras as time goes on, so World War II will most likely be followed by Vietnam at one point (in the far future).
The unit is relatively new and was created in May 2020 and one of our dedicated focuses is clearly to give inexperienced people a chance to play the game like it´s meant to be. That doesnt mean we are utterly inexpierienced. Our Company HQ brings tons of Milsim experience to the table and we do have several veterans of different, now disbanded or still active units. We have a whole crowd of very talented mission makers and aim for a pleasant and exciting experience for everyone. However, we are quite open to absolute newcomers and at least half of our players haven´t been in a Milsim Unit before. That means nobody will do the "Drill Sergeant" on you if you make a mistake. Every 'veteran' is there to help you and will give advice when needed. Especially your NCO's will always try to help you, be it with good advice, answering questions or doing some special short trainings to show you the ropes. Also we don´t take ourselves too serious, as you can see in the video links i posted initially.
We´re currently looking for recruits to fill up a 2nd Platoon so thatis where YOU come in! Right now, we´re fighting in France in our European Campaign, so now is the perfect time to join!
The 91st is led by the principle that, while we do act professionally and as realistic as possible during operations and training, after all we are NOT in the real US Army so we aren´t that rigid when we´re not on official stuff. While we are trying to be as professional as we are able to in the field, new players shouldn´t be afraid to join us. Our NCO´s and CO´s are not only selected by skill and competence, but by personality too. We do make sure that whoever is put in charge of a part of the unit is someone who is there for his guys and is always keen to help new players with problems they might have. You can, after all, learn game skills and tactics, but you can't unlearn being an **********.
91st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fox Company: The 91st Airborne was formed on the 4th of July 1940 as an experimental unit to be dropped behind enemy lines and disrupt enemy communication and supply lines, Recruitment started on the 9th of September 1940 and the unit was designated the 91st Parachute Infantry Regiment. [CLASSIFIED] was chosen as the location for the training facility under the name Camp Roanoke. On the 29th of April the recruits were in, under the command of Captain D. Winters and his back then XO Compton. Fox Company was the first to form. Unlike any other, this experimental unit had to meet the highest level of training as the soldiers were expected to fight without resupply for days as they jumped feet first into the chilly breeze of Axis occupied Europe. After the campaign in [CLASSIFIED] ended successfully, the 91st Airborne are currently fighting in France in the Western European Theatre of War.
We play as US Paratroopers in WW2, which means that the missions revolve around infantry based combat with little supplies. But the supply-situation is by far not the only difficulty we are facing during operations, since with the lack of any modern equipment, you´ll get challenged in ways you have never before. Because of that, there is a mandatory Basic Combat Training (BCT) that recruits will have to attend before they earn their Jump Wings and can join us in operations. It covers 3 phases that can be done on different dates since the training itself can be time-consuming and we see that recruits might have other plans. BCT Covers all the techniques, tactics and tools that are not part of your standard Arma III experience because of the setting or because they were added by mods. This includes but is not limited to: Our very own Code of Conduct, weapon and equipment familiarisation, formations and reaction to enemy fire, urban combat training, ACE and Enhanced Movement Mod familiarisation, Navigation without map markers or GPS and of course jumping and landing procedures. The BCT can be longer or shorter, depending on how familiar you are with the information provided. This ensures that you know the tools and tactics we use to fight and win our battles. Once BCT is completed, you are considered a full and equally respected member of the 91st Airborne. After you completed your BCT you´re a full member of the unit and can join us in our adventures. As your first assignment you´ll play as a rifleman in Platoon HQ to get a feeling for the Platoon related tactics and the general feeling of our operations. This probation period will last for 6 events, after that you´ll get your final assignment in one of the Rifle Sections. There are Platoon and Squad level live fire trainings if the Platoon HQ or the Squad Leader thinks, his or her group could use some excercise in certain areas. These always contain a little training part and an actual operation part, where we use what we´ve just learned so it doesnt get dull and theoretical. Operations revolve typically around a single target that needs to be taken, with several secondary targets along the way. Primary targets can be villages, cities, strategically valuable positions or enemy officers we need to capture. Our excellent mission makers make sure that the missions are always balanced with the number of attending players and diverse in their setting and objectives while being part of a coherent campaign so it never get´s boring or frustrating. These operations are then, again, embedded into an consistent campaign where the outcome of our operations affect the following missions directly and indirectly.
  • A welcoming, friendly environment: We would rather see ourselves as a group of friends than a Milsim Unit if we are not on operations or official training.
  • Professional Operations: That however does not mean our operations devolve to a band of headless chicken running around and probably shooting each other. Both the mission files and the execution are as professional as it gets
  • Training that fits the needs of the recruits: If you´re a seasoned player we will try or best not to bore you, if it is your first time ever playing Arma we will make sure to help you getting to know everything you need
  • Promotions based on skill and character: While a candidate for a NCO or CO position has to show that he is fit for said rank, that is not limited to an understanding of tactics and other game-related topics. A candidate also must have a certain character, he has to have an open ear for the game-related problems of his men and has to be helpful and not belittling. The NCO´s and CO´s job is first and foremost to ensure that everybody enjoys the experience.
  • A new gameplay experience: The setting and the restrictions it brings as well as the mods we use to add tools create a rather unique experience that differs from your standard Arma III gameplay. The lack of equipment like GPS, NVGs or Scopes and Supressors as well as the added realism through mods like ACE and Enhanced Movement come together in a mix that might look hard but leads to an immersive and addictive experience that you don´t want to miss again after you´ve done your first operation.
  • Fun Ops: Outside of our regular official Operations and Platoon Trainings, we do have a lot of Fun Ops. Dedicated Events are planned and held outside of our regular schedule whenever the mission makers got the spare time to prepare them. These events include, but are not limited to WW2 based PVP and PVE missions (with a twist like Zombies, Monsters and Aliens) as well as the occasional non-WW2-stuff. Apart from that we also play fun WW2-related gamemodes on the server when no mission or training is being held. For now we got a resistance scenario called "Vindicta" going, which is great fun and comes with era appropriate equipment and enemies.
  • Flexibility on roles: While you can apply for a specialist slot, that doesnt mean you´ll only get to play as a rifleman when there are no vacant slots left. We do offer specialist trainings for all the different roles and encourage our squad members to play as different roles so things dont get boring. So switching classes with a squadmate or filling in for a medic who´s on vacation is absolutely possible and very much encouraged.
  • A legal copy of Arma III, no DLC´s required as of now
  • Being 17+ (exceptions are possible, depends on maturity)
  • Your willingness to learn and to follow orders
  • Some knowledge of the english language. Since many of our members are not native speakers however, there is no need for perfect english, we just have to understand each other. By the way, be aware that the author of this text is no native speaker, so sorry for any errors I made along the way
  • A working microphone
  • To respect your fellow paratroopers and in return to be respected
  • A sense of humour is helpful
  • Empathy towards new players, we will not tolerate anyone belittling someone else because of his lack of experience
  • Some level of commitment, especially from players who play in other units as well. There´s no mandatory attendance rules when real life stuff happens, but we will not commit to someone who does not want to commit to us. We are, after all, a unit and not some sort of backup plan. So please do only apply if you actually want to join us and play with us. If you just want to have a look first, i can send you links to tons of video material from different operations and i´ll answer any questions you got if you PM me.
The 91st Airborne do offer quite a few roles which work together like cogs in a wheel. The roles are as follows:
  • Rifleman
  • Rifle Grenadier
  • Autorifleman
  • Machine Gunner
  • Machine Gunner Assistant
  • AT Specialist
  • AT Assistant
  • Radioman
  • Medic
Apart from that, there is a number of CO and NCO-Positions which you can be chosen for provided that a position is vacant and that you prove yourself character and skill-wise.
As of now Operations start on Saturday 18:00 BST. Most of our Units members are from all around Europe so we schedule operations and trainings with that in mind. However, if you´ve got no problem with that fact, you are absolutely welcome in the 91st, wherever you might live. BCT Dates will be provided depending on how many recruits there are. As of now, Thursday is reserved for Platoon Excercises. If you can not attend our operations or excercises, we ask you to tell your Squad Leaders so they can relay that information to Company HQ. Keep in mind, the Operations need to be balanced to the number of players that will be attending so that information is vital.
That´s all, I think. Sorry for the wall of text. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
submitted by 91stAirborne to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly and relaxed but professional WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly and relaxed but professional WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon
tl;dr: WW2-Milsim Unit with emphasis on being beginner friendly and not too serious outside operations looking for more members for 2nd platoon. Apply through our forums if you´re interested!
Important Links
Official Youtube:
Some funny videos recorded and edited by some of our guys:
Operation Glacier ; Operation Polyphemos ; recent Training Operation
Our very own newspaper:
Stars and Stripes, Nov. 2nd
Here´s some pics so you get the idea:
Adapting to the battlefield: T/5 Moore taking out a machine gun nest in a building with his bazooka and the help of T/5 Adams

2nd LT Wonko havin a close look at some of his riflemen. And his riflemen have a close look at his glorious moustache

aftermath of a convoy ambush

historical pic: back then first & only squad of first & only platoon, June 2020
To be a part of the unit you just need to join our Forums: There you can fill in your (very short) application form and then you´ll get an automatic welcome message with further instructions. Just follow them and someone will be in touch with you shortly!
We only do Basic Combat Trainings for serious applicants, so please make up your mind before you decide to join us. While we do not generally reject people who already play in another unit and we don´t have mandatory attendance rules when real life clashes with your wish to play arma, we will not commit to someone who is not willing to show the same commitment to our unit. Doing a basic training for someone who doesnt wish to join after all is just wasting the time of the applicant and the trainers alike. Afteryou´ve passed the interview phase and the BCT you earned your jump wings and are considered a full member of the unit with the rank of Pvt. You´ll be then assigned to Platoon HQ for a brief probation period. Once that´s done for, you´ll be assigned to one of the Squads in the Platoon you were trained in.
As you can see, we are a semi-professional WW2 Milsim unit that plays as US Paratroopers. We might be quite a new unit but we´re growing fast nevertheless. Currently Fox Company only consists of Company HQ and 1st Platoon with a Platoon HQ Section and 3 Rifle Squads. The 91st currently has roughly 60 members, attendance rates at the operations range between 35 - 40 players. We do aim for a full Company sized unit in the future, and are preparing the launch of our second platoon! There´s still vacant slots in there, tho, so don't you worry! Another goal of the unit is to go through different eras as time goes on, so World War II will most likely be followed by Vietnam at one point (in the far future).
The unit is relatively new and was created in May 2020 and one of our dedicated focuses is clearly to give inexperienced people a chance to play the game like it´s meant to be. That doesnt mean we are utterly inexpierienced. Our Company HQ brings tons of Milsim experience to the table and we do have several veterans of different, now disbanded or still active units. We have a whole crowd of very talented mission makers and aim for a pleasant and exciting experience for everyone. However, we are quite open to absolute newcomers and at least half of our players haven´t been in a Milsim Unit before. That means nobody will do the "Drill Sergeant" on you if you make a mistake. Every 'veteran' is there to help you and will give advice when needed. Especially your NCO's will always try to help you, be it with good advice, answering questions or doing some special short trainings to show you the ropes. Also we don´t take ourselves too serious, as you can see in the video links i posted initially.
We´re currently looking for recruits to fill up a 2nd Platoon so thatis where YOU come in! Right now, we´re fighting in France in our European Campaign, so now is the perfect time to join!
The 91st is led by the principle that, while we do act professionally and as realistic as possible during operations and training, after all we are NOT in the real US Army so we aren´t that rigid when we´re not on official stuff. While we are trying to be as professional as we are able to in the field, new players shouldn´t be afraid to join us. Our NCO´s and CO´s are not only selected by skill and competence, but by personality too. We do make sure that whoever is put in charge of a part of the unit is someone who is there for his guys and is always keen to help new players with problems they might have. You can, after all, learn game skills and tactics, but you can't unlearn being an **********.
91st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fox Company: The 91st Airborne was formed on the 4th of July 1940 as an experimental unit to be dropped behind enemy lines and disrupt enemy communication and supply lines, Recruitment started on the 9th of September 1940 and the unit was designated the 91st Parachute Infantry Regiment. [CLASSIFIED] was chosen as the location for the training facility under the name Camp Roanoke. On the 29th of April the recruits were in, under the command of Captain D. Winters and his back then XO Compton. Fox Company was the first to form. Unlike any other, this experimental unit had to meet the highest level of training as the soldiers were expected to fight without resupply for days as they jumped feet first into the chilly breeze of Axis occupied Europe. After the campaign in [CLASSIFIED] ended successfully, the 91st Airborne are currently fighting in France in the Western European Theatre of War.
We play as US Paratroopers in WW2, which means that the missions revolve around infantry based combat with little supplies. But the supply-situation is by far not the only difficulty we are facing during operations, since with the lack of any modern equipment, you´ll get challenged in ways you have never before. Because of that, there is a mandatory Basic Combat Training (BCT) that recruits will have to attend before they earn their Jump Wings and can join us in operations. It covers 3 phases that can be done on different dates since the training itself can be time-consuming and we see that recruits might have other plans. BCT Covers all the techniques, tactics and tools that are not part of your standard Arma III experience because of the setting or because they were added by mods. This includes but is not limited to: Our very own Code of Conduct, weapon and equipment familiarisation, formations and reaction to enemy fire, urban combat training, ACE and Enhanced Movement Mod familiarisation, Navigation without map markers or GPS and of course jumping and landing procedures. The BCT can be longer or shorter, depending on how familiar you are with the information provided. This ensures that you know the tools and tactics we use to fight and win our battles. Once BCT is completed, you are considered a full and equally respected member of the 91st Airborne. After you completed your BCT you´re a full member of the unit and can join us in our adventures. As your first assignment you´ll play as a rifleman in Platoon HQ to get a feeling for the Platoon related tactics and the general feeling of our operations. This probation period will last for 6 events, after that you´ll get your final assignment in one of the Rifle Sections. There are Platoon and Squad level live fire trainings if the Platoon HQ or the Squad Leader thinks, his or her group could use some excercise in certain areas. These always contain a little training part and an actual operation part, where we use what we´ve just learned so it doesnt get dull and theoretical. Operations revolve typically around a single target that needs to be taken, with several secondary targets along the way. Primary targets can be villages, cities, strategically valuable positions or enemy officers we need to capture. Our excellent mission makers make sure that the missions are always balanced with the number of attending players and diverse in their setting and objectives while being part of a coherent campaign so it never get´s boring or frustrating. These operations are then, again, embedded into an consistent campaign where the outcome of our operations affect the following missions directly and indirectly.
  • A welcoming, friendly environment: We would rather see ourselves as a group of friends than a Milsim Unit if we are not on operations or official training.
  • Professional Operations: That however does not mean our operations devolve to a band of headless chicken running around and probably shooting each other. Both the mission files and the execution are as professional as it gets
  • Training that fits the needs of the recruits: If you´re a seasoned player we will try or best not to bore you, if it is your first time ever playing Arma we will make sure to help you getting to know everything you need
  • Promotions based on skill and character: While a candidate for a NCO or CO position has to show that he is fit for said rank, that is not limited to an understanding of tactics and other game-related topics. A candidate also must have a certain character, he has to have an open ear for the game-related problems of his men and has to be helpful and not belittling. The NCO´s and CO´s job is first and foremost to ensure that everybody enjoys the experience.
  • A new gameplay experience: The setting and the restrictions it brings as well as the mods we use to add tools create a rather unique experience that differs from your standard Arma III gameplay. The lack of equipment like GPS, NVGs or Scopes and Supressors as well as the added realism through mods like ACE and Enhanced Movement come together in a mix that might look hard but leads to an immersive and addictive experience that you don´t want to miss again after you´ve done your first operation.
  • Fun Ops: Outside of our regular official Operations and Platoon Trainings, we do have a lot of Fun Ops. Dedicated Events are planned and held outside of our regular schedule whenever the mission makers got the spare time to prepare them. These events include, but are not limited to WW2 based PVP and PVE missions (with a twist like Zombies, Monsters and Aliens) as well as the occasional non-WW2-stuff. Apart from that we also play fun WW2-related gamemodes on the server when no mission or training is being held. For now we got a resistance scenario called "Vindicta" going, which is great fun and comes with era appropriate equipment and enemies.
  • Flexibility on roles: While you can apply for a specialist slot, that doesnt mean you´ll only get to play as a rifleman when there are no vacant slots left. We do offer specialist trainings for all the different roles and encourage our squad members to play as different roles so things dont get boring. So switching classes with a squadmate or filling in for a medic who´s on vacation is absolutely possible and very much encouraged.
  • A legal copy of Arma III, no DLC´s required as of now
  • Being 17+ (exceptions are possible, depends on maturity)
  • Your willingness to learn and to follow orders
  • Some knowledge of the english language. Since many of our members are not native speakers however, there is no need for perfect english, we just have to understand each other. By the way, be aware that the author of this text is no native speaker, so sorry for any errors I made along the way
  • A working microphone
  • To respect your fellow paratroopers and in return to be respected
  • A sense of humour is helpful
  • Empathy towards new players, we will not tolerate anyone belittling someone else because of his lack of experience
  • Some level of commitment, especially from players who play in other units as well. There´s no mandatory attendance rules when real life stuff happens, but we will not commit to someone who does not want to commit to us. We are, after all, a unit and not some sort of backup plan. So please do only apply if you actually want to join us and play with us. If you just want to have a look first, i can send you links to tons of video material from different operations and i´ll answer any questions you got if you PM me.
The 91st Airborne do offer quite a few roles which work together like cogs in a wheel. The roles are as follows:
  • Rifleman
  • Rifle Grenadier
  • Autorifleman
  • Machine Gunner
  • Machine Gunner Assistant
  • AT Specialist
  • AT Assistant
  • Radioman
  • Medic
Apart from that, there is a number of CO and NCO-Positions which you can be chosen for provided that a position is vacant and that you prove yourself character and skill-wise.
As of now Operations start on Saturday 18:00 BST. Most of our Units members are from all around Europe so we schedule operations and trainings with that in mind. However, if you´ve got no problem with that fact, you are absolutely welcome in the 91st, wherever you might live. BCT Dates will be provided depending on how many recruits there are. As of now, Thursday is reserved for Platoon Excercises. If you can not attend our operations or excercises, we ask you to tell your Squad Leaders so they can relay that information to Company HQ. Keep in mind, the Operations need to be balanced to the number of players that will be attending so that information is vital.
That´s all, I think. Sorry for the wall of text. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
submitted by 91stAirborne to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly and relaxed but professional WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly and relaxed but professional WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon
tl;dr: WW2-Milsim Unit with emphasis on being beginner friendly and not too serious outside operations looking for more members for 2nd platoon. Apply through our forums if you´re interested!
Important Links
Official Youtube:
Some funny videos recorded and edited by some of our guys:
Operation Glacier ; Operation Polyphemos ; recent Training Operation
Our very own newspaper:
Stars and Stripes, Nov. 2nd
Here´s some pics so you get the idea:
To be a part of the unit you just need to join our Forums: There you can fill in your (very short) application form and then you´ll get an automatic welcome message with further instructions. Just follow them and someone will be in touch with you shortly!
We only do Basic Combat Trainings for serious applicants, so please make up your mind before you decide to join us. While we do not generally reject people who already play in another unit and we don´t have mandatory attendance rules when real life clashes with your wish to play arma, we will not commit to someone who is not willing to show the same commitment to our unit. Doing a basic training for someone who doesnt wish to join after all is just wasting the time of the applicant and the trainers alike. Afteryou´ve passed the interview phase and the BCT you earned your jump wings and are considered a full member of the unit with the rank of Pvt. You´ll be then assigned to Platoon HQ for a brief probation period. Once that´s done for, you´ll be assigned to one of the Squads in the Platoon you were trained in.
As you can see, we are a semi-professional WW2 Milsim unit that plays as US Paratroopers. We might be quite a new unit but we´re growing fast nevertheless. Currently Fox Company only consists of Company HQ and 1st Platoon with a Platoon HQ Section and 3 Rifle Squads. The 91st currently has roughly 60 members, attendance rates at the operations range between 35 - 40 players. We do aim for a full Company sized unit in the future, and are preparing the launch of our second platoon! There´s still vacant slots in there, tho, so don't you worry! Another goal of the unit is to go through different eras as time goes on, so World War II will most likely be followed by Vietnam at one point (in the far future).
The unit is relatively new and was created in May 2020 and one of our dedicated focuses is clearly to give inexperienced people a chance to play the game like it´s meant to be. That doesnt mean we are utterly inexpierienced. Our Company HQ brings tons of Milsim experience to the table and we do have several veterans of different, now disbanded or still active units. We have a whole crowd of very talented mission makers and aim for a pleasant and exciting experience for everyone. However, we are quite open to absolute newcomers and at least half of our players haven´t been in a Milsim Unit before. That means nobody will do the "Drill Sergeant" on you if you make a mistake. Every 'veteran' is there to help you and will give advice when needed. Especially your NCO's will always try to help you, be it with good advice, answering questions or doing some special short trainings to show you the ropes. Also we don´t take ourselves too serious, as you can see in the video links i posted initially.
We´re currently looking for recruits to fill up a 2nd Platoon so thatis where YOU come in! Right now, we´re fighting in France in our European Campaign, so now is the perfect time to join!
The 91st is led by the principle that, while we do act professionally and as realistic as possible during operations and training, after all we are NOT in the real US Army so we aren´t that rigid when we´re not on official stuff. While we are trying to be as professional as we are able to in the field, new players shouldn´t be afraid to join us. Our NCO´s and CO´s are not only selected by skill and competence, but by personality too. We do make sure that whoever is put in charge of a part of the unit is someone who is there for his guys and is always keen to help new players with problems they might have. You can, after all, learn game skills and tactics, but you can't unlearn being an **********.
91st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fox Company: The 91st Airborne was formed on the 4th of July 1940 as an experimental unit to be dropped behind enemy lines and disrupt enemy communication and supply lines, Recruitment started on the 9th of September 1940 and the unit was designated the 91st Parachute Infantry Regiment. [CLASSIFIED] was chosen as the location for the training facility under the name Camp Roanoke. On the 29th of April the recruits were in, under the command of Captain D. Winters and his back then XO Compton. Fox Company was the first to form. Unlike any other, this experimental unit had to meet the highest level of training as the soldiers were expected to fight without resupply for days as they jumped feet first into the chilly breeze of Axis occupied Europe. After the campaign in [CLASSIFIED] ended successfully, the 91st Airborne are currently fighting in France in the Western European Theatre of War.
We play as US Paratroopers in WW2, which means that the missions revolve around infantry based combat with little supplies. But the supply-situation is by far not the only difficulty we are facing during operations, since with the lack of any modern equipment, you´ll get challenged in ways you have never before. Because of that, there is a mandatory Basic Combat Training (BCT) that recruits will have to attend before they earn their Jump Wings and can join us in operations. It covers 3 phases that can be done on different dates since the training itself can be time-consuming and we see that recruits might have other plans. BCT Covers all the techniques, tactics and tools that are not part of your standard Arma III experience because of the setting or because they were added by mods. This includes but is not limited to: Our very own Code of Conduct, weapon and equipment familiarisation, formations and reaction to enemy fire, urban combat training, ACE and Enhanced Movement Mod familiarisation, Navigation without map markers or GPS and of course jumping and landing procedures. The BCT can be longer or shorter, depending on how familiar you are with the information provided. This ensures that you know the tools and tactics we use to fight and win our battles. Once BCT is completed, you are considered a full and equally respected member of the 91st Airborne. After you completed your BCT you´re a full member of the unit and can join us in our adventures. As your first assignment you´ll play as a rifleman in Platoon HQ to get a feeling for the Platoon related tactics and the general feeling of our operations. This probation period will last for 6 events, after that you´ll get your final assignment in one of the Rifle Sections. There are Platoon and Squad level live fire trainings if the Platoon HQ or the Squad Leader thinks, his or her group could use some excercise in certain areas. These always contain a little training part and an actual operation part, where we use what we´ve just learned so it doesnt get dull and theoretical. Operations revolve typically around a single target that needs to be taken, with several secondary targets along the way. Primary targets can be villages, cities, strategically valuable positions or enemy officers we need to capture. Our excellent mission makers make sure that the missions are always balanced with the number of attending players and diverse in their setting and objectives while being part of a coherent campaign so it never get´s boring or frustrating. These operations are then, again, embedded into an consistent campaign where the outcome of our operations affect the following missions directly and indirectly.
  • A welcoming, friendly environment: We would rather see ourselves as a group of friends than a Milsim Unit if we are not on operations or official training.
  • Professional Operations: That however does not mean our operations devolve to a band of headless chicken running around and probably shooting each other. Both the mission files and the execution are as professional as it gets
  • Training that fits the needs of the recruits: If you´re a seasoned player we will try or best not to bore you, if it is your first time ever playing Arma we will make sure to help you getting to know everything you need
  • Promotions based on skill and character: While a candidate for a NCO or CO position has to show that he is fit for said rank, that is not limited to an understanding of tactics and other game-related topics. A candidate also must have a certain character, he has to have an open ear for the game-related problems of his men and has to be helpful and not belittling. The NCO´s and CO´s job is first and foremost to ensure that everybody enjoys the experience.
  • A new gameplay experience: The setting and the restrictions it brings as well as the mods we use to add tools create a rather unique experience that differs from your standard Arma III gameplay. The lack of equipment like GPS, NVGs or Scopes and Supressors as well as the added realism through mods like ACE and Enhanced Movement come together in a mix that might look hard but leads to an immersive and addictive experience that you don´t want to miss again after you´ve done your first operation.
  • Fun Ops: Outside of our regular official Operations and Platoon Trainings, we do have a lot of Fun Ops. Dedicated Events are planned and held outside of our regular schedule whenever the mission makers got the spare time to prepare them. These events include, but are not limited to WW2 based PVP and PVE missions (with a twist like Zombies, Monsters and Aliens) as well as the occasional non-WW2-stuff. Apart from that we also play fun WW2-related gamemodes on the server when no mission or training is being held. For now we got a resistance scenario called "Vindicta" going, which is great fun and comes with era appropriate equipment and enemies.
  • Flexibility on roles: While you can apply for a specialist slot, that doesnt mean you´ll only get to play as a rifleman when there are no vacant slots left. We do offer specialist trainings for all the different roles and encourage our squad members to play as different roles so things dont get boring. So switching classes with a squadmate or filling in for a medic who´s on vacation is absolutely possible and very much encouraged.
  • A legal copy of Arma III, no DLC´s required as of now
  • Being 17+ (exceptions are possible, depends on maturity)
  • Your willingness to learn and to follow orders
  • Some knowledge of the english language. Since many of our members are not native speakers however, there is no need for perfect english, we just have to understand each other. By the way, be aware that the author of this text is no native speaker, so sorry for any errors I made along the way
  • A working microphone
  • To respect your fellow paratroopers and in return to be respected
  • A sense of humour is helpful
  • Empathy towards new players, we will not tolerate anyone belittling someone else because of his lack of experience
  • Some level of commitment, especially from players who play in other units as well. There´s no mandatory attendance rules when real life stuff happens, but we will not commit to someone who does not want to commit to us. We are, after all, a unit and not some sort of backup plan. So please do only apply if you actually want to join us and play with us. If you just want to have a look first, i can send you links to tons of video material from different operations and i´ll answer any questions you got if you PM me.
The 91st Airborne do offer quite a few roles which work together like cogs in a wheel. The roles are as follows:
  • Rifleman
  • Rifle Grenadier
  • Autorifleman
  • Machine Gunner
  • Machine Gunner Assistant
  • AT Specialist
  • AT Assistant
  • Radioman
  • Medic
Apart from that, there is a number of CO and NCO-Positions which you can be chosen for provided that a position is vacant and that you prove yourself character and skill-wise.
As of now Operations start on Saturday 18:00 BST. Most of our Units members are from all around Europe so we schedule operations and trainings with that in mind. However, if you´ve got no problem with that fact, you are absolutely welcome in the 91st, wherever you might live. BCT Dates will be provided depending on how many recruits there are. As of now, Thursday is reserved for Platoon Excercises. If you can not attend our operations or excercises, we ask you to tell your Squad Leaders so they can relay that information to Company HQ. Keep in mind, the Operations need to be balanced to the number of players that will be attending so that information is vital.
That´s all, I think. Sorry for the wall of text. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
submitted by 91stAirborne to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly and relaxed but professional WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly and relaxed but professional WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon
tl;dr: WW2-Milsim Unit with emphasis on being beginner friendly and not too serious outside operations looking for more members for 2nd platoon. Apply through our forums if you´re interested!
Important Links
Official Youtube:
Some funny videos recorded and edited by some of our guys:
Operation Glacier ; Operation Polyphemos ; recent Training Operation
Our very own newspaper:
Stars and Stripes, Nov. 2nd
Here´s some pics so you get the idea:
German Night Air Raid on a city we just left. At least most of us!
RTO relaying contact made by 3rd Squad, 1st Platoon while their Machine Gunner tries to friendly tell these contacts to go elsewhere with his Browning
1st Platoon storming over a bridge under smoke cover & with a commandeered german halftrack
Look at all these places we´re sent to, for free!
To be a part of the unit you just need to join our Forums: There you can fill in your (very short) application form and then you´ll get an automatic welcome message with further instructions. Just follow them and someone will be in touch with you shortly!
We only do Basic Combat Trainings for serious applicants, so please make up your mind before you decide to join us. While we do not generally reject people who already play in another unit and we don´t have mandatory attendance rules when real life clashes with your wish to play arma, we will not commit to someone who is not willing to show the same commitment to our unit. Doing a basic training for someone who doesnt wish to join after all is just wasting the time of the applicant and the trainers alike. Afteryou´ve passed the interview phase and the BCT you earned your jump wings and are considered a full member of the unit with the rank of Pvt. You´ll be then assigned to Platoon HQ for a brief probation period. Once that´s done for, you´ll be assigned to one of the Squads in the Platoon you were trained in.
As you can see, we are a semi-professional WW2 Milsim unit that plays as US Paratroopers. We might be quite a new unit but we´re growing fast nevertheless. Currently Fox Company only consists of Company HQ and 1st Platoon with a Platoon HQ Section and 3 Rifle Squads. The 91st currently has roughly 60 members, attendance rates at the operations range between 35 - 40 players. We do aim for a full Company sized unit in the future, and are preparing the launch of our second platoon! There´s still vacant slots in there, tho, so don't you worry! Another goal of the unit is to go through different eras as time goes on, so World War II will most likely be followed by Vietnam at one point (in the far future).
The unit is relatively new and was created in May 2020 and one of our dedicated focuses is clearly to give inexperienced people a chance to play the game like it´s meant to be. That doesnt mean we are utterly inexpierienced. Our Company HQ brings tons of Milsim experience to the table and we do have several veterans of different, now disbanded or still active units. We have a whole crowd of very talented mission makers and aim for a pleasant and exciting experience for everyone. However, we are quite open to absolute newcomers and at least half of our players haven´t been in a Milsim Unit before. That means nobody will do the "Drill Sergeant" on you if you make a mistake. Every 'veteran' is there to help you and will give advice when needed. Especially your NCO's will always try to help you, be it with good advice, answering questions or doing some special short trainings to show you the ropes. Also we don´t take ourselves too serious, as you can see in the video links i posted initially.
We´re currently looking for recruits to fill up a 2nd Platoon so thatis where YOU come in! Right now, we´re fighting in France in our European Campaign, so now is the perfect time to join!
The 91st is led by the principle that, while we do act professionally and as realistic as possible during operations and training, after all we are NOT in the real US Army so we aren´t that rigid when we´re not on official stuff. While we are trying to be as professional as we are able to in the field, new players shouldn´t be afraid to join us. Our NCO´s and CO´s are not only selected by skill and competence, but by personality too. We do make sure that whoever is put in charge of a part of the unit is someone who is there for his guys and is always keen to help new players with problems they might have. You can, after all, learn game skills and tactics, but you can't unlearn being an **********.
91st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fox Company: The 91st Airborne was formed on the 4th of July 1940 as an experimental unit to be dropped behind enemy lines and disrupt enemy communication and supply lines, Recruitment started on the 9th of September 1940 and the unit was designated the 91st Parachute Infantry Regiment. [CLASSIFIED] was chosen as the location for the training facility under the name Camp Roanoke. On the 29th of April the recruits were in, under the command of Captain D. Winters and his back then XO Compton. Fox Company was the first to form. Unlike any other, this experimental unit had to meet the highest level of training as the soldiers were expected to fight without resupply for days as they jumped feet first into the chilly breeze of Axis occupied Europe. After the campaign in [CLASSIFIED] ended successfully, the 91st Airborne are currently fighting in France in the Western European Theatre of War.
We play as US Paratroopers in WW2, which means that the missions revolve around infantry based combat with little supplies. But the supply-situation is by far not the only difficulty we are facing during operations, since with the lack of any modern equipment, you´ll get challenged in ways you have never before. Because of that, there is a mandatory Basic Combat Training (BCT) that recruits will have to attend before they earn their Jump Wings and can join us in operations. It covers 3 phases that can be done on different dates since the training itself can be time-consuming and we see that recruits might have other plans. BCT Covers all the techniques, tactics and tools that are not part of your standard Arma III experience because of the setting or because they were added by mods. This includes but is not limited to: Our very own Code of Conduct, weapon and equipment familiarisation, formations and reaction to enemy fire, urban combat training, ACE and Enhanced Movement Mod familiarisation, Navigation without map markers or GPS and of course jumping and landing procedures. The BCT can be longer or shorter, depending on how familiar you are with the information provided. This ensures that you know the tools and tactics we use to fight and win our battles. Once BCT is completed, you are considered a full and equally respected member of the 91st Airborne. After you completed your BCT you´re a full member of the unit and can join us in our adventures. As your first assignment you´ll play as a rifleman in Platoon HQ to get a feeling for the Platoon related tactics and the general feeling of our operations. This probation period will last for 6 events, after that you´ll get your final assignment in one of the Rifle Sections. There are Platoon and Squad level live fire trainings if the Platoon HQ or the Squad Leader thinks, his or her group could use some excercise in certain areas. These always contain a little training part and an actual operation part, where we use what we´ve just learned so it doesnt get dull and theoretical. Operations revolve typically around a single target that needs to be taken, with several secondary targets along the way. Primary targets can be villages, cities, strategically valuable positions or enemy officers we need to capture. Our excellent mission makers make sure that the missions are always balanced with the number of attending players and diverse in their setting and objectives while being part of a coherent campaign so it never get´s boring or frustrating. These operations are then, again, embedded into an consistent campaign where the outcome of our operations affect the following missions directly and indirectly.
  • A welcoming, friendly environment: We would rather see ourselves as a group of friends than a Milsim Unit if we are not on operations or official training.
  • Professional Operations: That however does not mean our operations devolve to a band of headless chicken running around and probably shooting each other. Both the mission files and the execution are as professional as it gets
  • Training that fits the needs of the recruits: If you´re a seasoned player we will try or best not to bore you, if it is your first time ever playing Arma we will make sure to help you getting to know everything you need
  • Promotions based on skill and character: While a candidate for a NCO or CO position has to show that he is fit for said rank, that is not limited to an understanding of tactics and other game-related topics. A candidate also must have a certain character, he has to have an open ear for the game-related problems of his men and has to be helpful and not belittling. The NCO´s and CO´s job is first and foremost to ensure that everybody enjoys the experience.
  • A new gameplay experience: The setting and the restrictions it brings as well as the mods we use to add tools create a rather unique experience that differs from your standard Arma III gameplay. The lack of equipment like GPS, NVGs or Scopes and Supressors as well as the added realism through mods like ACE and Enhanced Movement come together in a mix that might look hard but leads to an immersive and addictive experience that you don´t want to miss again after you´ve done your first operation.
  • Fun Ops: Outside of our regular official Operations and Platoon Trainings, we do have a lot of Fun Ops. Dedicated Events are planned and held outside of our regular schedule whenever the mission makers got the spare time to prepare them. These events include, but are not limited to WW2 based PVP and PVE missions (with a twist like Zombies, Monsters and Aliens) as well as the occasional non-WW2-stuff. Apart from that we also play fun WW2-related gamemodes on the server when no mission or training is being held. For now we got a resistance scenario called "Vindicta" going, which is great fun and comes with era appropriate equipment and enemies.
  • Flexibility on roles: While you can apply for a specialist slot, that doesnt mean you´ll only get to play as a rifleman when there are no vacant slots left. We do offer specialist trainings for all the different roles and encourage our squad members to play as different roles so things dont get boring. So switching classes with a squadmate or filling in for a medic who´s on vacation is absolutely possible and very much encouraged.
  • A legal copy of Arma III, no DLC´s required as of now
  • Being 17+ (exceptions are possible, depends on maturity)
  • Your willingness to learn and to follow orders
  • Some knowledge of the english language. Since many of our members are not native speakers however, there is no need for perfect english, we just have to understand each other. By the way, be aware that the author of this text is no native speaker, so sorry for any errors I made along the way
  • A working microphone
  • To respect your fellow paratroopers and in return to be respected
  • A sense of humour is helpful
  • Empathy towards new players, we will not tolerate anyone belittling someone else because of his lack of experience
  • Some level of commitment, especially from players who play in other units as well. There´s no mandatory attendance rules when real life stuff happens, but we will not commit to someone who does not want to commit to us. We are, after all, a unit and not some sort of backup plan. So please do only apply if you actually want to join us and play with us. If you just want to have a look first, i can send you links to tons of video material from different operations and i´ll answer any questions you got if you PM me.
The 91st Airborne do offer quite a few roles which work together like cogs in a wheel. The roles are as follows:
  • Rifleman
  • Rifle Grenadier
  • Autorifleman
  • Machine Gunner
  • Machine Gunner Assistant
  • AT Specialist
  • AT Assistant
  • Radioman
  • Medic
Apart from that, there is a number of CO and NCO-Positions which you can be chosen for provided that a position is vacant and that you prove yourself character and skill-wise.
As of now Operations start on Saturday 18:00 BST. Most of our Units members are from all around Europe so we schedule operations and trainings with that in mind. However, if you´ve got no problem with that fact, you are absolutely welcome in the 91st, wherever you might live. BCT Dates will be provided depending on how many recruits there are. As of now, Thursday is reserved for Platoon Excercises. If you can not attend our operations or excercises, we ask you to tell your Squad Leaders so they can relay that information to Company HQ. Keep in mind, the Operations need to be balanced to the number of players that will be attending so that information is vital.
That´s all, I think. Sorry for the wall of text. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
submitted by 91stAirborne to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon
tl;dr: WW2-Milsim Unit with emphasis on being beginner friendly and not too serious outside operations looking for more members for 2nd platoon. Apply through our forums if you´re interested!
Important Links
Website (join forums to start recruitment process!):
Official Youtube:
Some funny videos recorded and edited by some of our guys:
Operation Glacier ; Operation Polyphemos ; recent Training Operation
Our very own newspaper:
Stars and Stripes, Nov. 2nd
Here´s some pics so you get the idea:

Join the Airborne and get a parachute for free!
Visit beautiful villages in France and shoot the living sh*t out of them
go camping and cuddle with your battle buddy in a fox hole because it´s snowing
And make new friends along the way, like Hans here, who just repelled a US Army Attack on a bridgehead
To be a part of the unit you just need to join our Forums: There you can fill in your (very short) application form and then you´ll get an automatic welcome message redirecting you to a recruitment discord. Once you arrive there, somebody will be in touch to arrange an interview in the next couple of days. If you pass this small hurdle, we´ll tell you when the next Basic Combat Training sessions will be.
We only do Basic Combat Trainings for serious applicants, so please make up your mind before you decide to join us. While we do not generally reject people who already play in another unit and we don´t have mandatory attendance rules when real life clashes with your wish to play arma, we will not commit to someone who is not willing to show the same commitment to our unit. Doing a basic training for someone who doesnt wish to join after all is just wasting the time of the applicant and the trainers alike. Afteryou´ve passed the interview phase and the BCT you earned your jump wings and are considered a full member of the unit with the rank of Pvt. You´ll be then assigned to Platoon HQ for a brief probation period. Once that´s done for, you´ll be assigned to one of the Squads in the Platoon you were trained in.
As you can see, we are a semi-professional WW2 Milsim unit that plays as US Paratroopers. We might be quite a new unit but we´re growing fast nevertheless. Currently Fox Company only consists of Company HQ and 1st Platoon with a Platoon HQ Section and 3 Rifle Squads. The 91st currently has roughly 60 members, attendance rates at the operations range between 35 - 40 players. We do aim for a full Company sized unit in the future, and are preparing the launch of our second platoon! There´s still vacant slots in there, tho, so don't you worry! Another goal of the unit is to go through different eras as time goes on, so World War II will most likely be followed by Vietnam at one point (in the far future). While the unit itself is relatively new and one of our focuses is clearly to give inexperienced people a chance to play the game like it´s meant to be, that doesnt mean we are utterly inexpierienced. Our Company HQ brings tons of Milsim experience to the table and we do have several veterans of different, now disbanded or still active units. However, we are quite open to absolute newcomers and at least half of our players haven´t been in a Milsim Unit before. We consider ourselves as a beginner friendly unit, so nobody will do the "Drill Sergeant" on you if you make a mistake. Also we don´t take ourselves too serious, as you can see in the video links i posted initially. We´re currently looking for recruits to fill up a 2nd Platoon so thatis where YOU come in! We are currently fighting in France, early in our European Campaign, so now is the perfect time to join!
The 91st is led by the principle that, while we do act professionally and as realistic as possible during operations and training, after all we are NOT in the real US Army so we aren´t that rigid when we´re not on official stuff. While we are trying to be as professional as we are able to in the field, new players shouldn´t be afraid to join us. Our NCO´s and CO´s are not only selected by skill and competence, but by personality too. We do make sure that whoever is put in charge of a part of the unit is someone who is there for his guys and is always keen to help new players with problems they might have. You can, after all, learn game skills and tactics, but you can't unlearn being an **********.
91st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fox Company: The 91st Airborne was formed on the 4th of July 1940 as an experimental unit to be dropped behind enemy lines and disrupt enemy communication and supply lines, Recruitment started on the 9th of September 1940 and the unit was designated the 91st Parachute Infantry Regiment. [CLASSIFIED] was chosen as the location for the training facility under the name Camp Roanoke. On the 29th of April the recruits were in, under the command of Captain D. Winters and his back then XO Compton. Fox Company was the first to form. Unlike any other, this experimental unit had to meet the highest level of training as the soldiers were expected to fight without resupply for days as they jumped feet first into the chilly breeze of Axis occupied Europe. After the campaign in [CLASSIFIED] ended successfully, the 91st Airborne are currently fighting in France in the Western European Theatre of War.
We play as US Paratroopers in WW2, which means that the missions revolve around infantry based combat with little supplies. But the supply-situation is by far not the only difficulty we are facing during operations, since with the lack of any modern equipment, you´ll get challenged in ways you have never before. Because of that, there is a mandatory Basic Combat Training (BCT) that recruits will have to attend before they earn their Jump Wings and can join us in operations. It covers 3 phases that can be done on different dates since the training itself can be time-consuming and we see that recruits might have other plans. BCT Covers all the techniques, tactics and tools that are not part of your standard Arma III experience because of the setting or because they were added by mods. This includes but is not limited to: Our very own Code of Conduct, weapon and equipment familiarisation, formations and reaction to enemy fire, urban combat training, ACE and Enhanced Movement Mod familiarisation, Navigation without map markers or GPS and of course jumping and landing procedures. The BCT can be longer or shorter, depending on how familiar you are with the information provided. This ensures that you know the tools and tactics we use to fight and win our battles. Once BCT is completed, you are considered a full and equally respected member of the 91st Airborne. The BCT might be followed by a short instruction if you wish to play as a specialist role like medic, but other than that there are no mandatory trainings that you need to do before you can join us in actual operations. There are, however, Platoon and Squad level live fire trainings if the Platoon HQ or the Squad Leader thinks, his or her group could use some excercise in certain areas. Operations revolve typically around a single target that needs to be taken, with several secondary targets along the way. Primary targets can be villages, cities, strategically valuable positions or enemy officers we need to capture. Our excellent mission makers make sure that the missions are always balanced with the number of attending players and diverse in their setting and objectives while being part of a coherent campaign so it never get´s boring or frustrating. These operations are then, again, embedded into an consistent campaign where the outcome of our operations affect the following missions directly and indirectly.
  • A welcoming, friendly environment: We would rather see ourselves as a group of friends than a Milsim Unit if we are not on operations or official training.
  • Professional Operations: That however does not mean our operations devolve to a band of headless chicken running around and probably shooting each other. Both the mission files and the execution are as professional as it gets
  • Training that fits the needs of the recruits: If you´re a seasoned player we will try or best not to bore you, if it is your first time ever playing Arma we will make sure to help you getting to know everything you need
  • Promotions based on skill and character: While a candidate for a NCO or CO position has to show that he is fit for said rank, that is not limited to an understanding of tactics and other game-related topics. A candidate also must have a certain character, he has to have an open ear for the game-related problems of his men and has to be helpful and not belittling. The NCO´s and CO´s job is first and foremost to ensure that everybody enjoys the experience.
  • A new gameplay experience: The setting and the restrictions it brings as well as the mods we use to add tools create a rather unique experience that differs from your standard Arma III gameplay. The lack of equipment like GPS, NVGs or Scopes and Supressors as well as the added realism through mods like ACE and Enhanced Movement come together in a mix that might look hard but leads to an immersive and addictive experience that you don´t want to miss again after you´ve done your first operation.
  • Fun Ops: Outside of our regular official Operations and Platoon Trainings, we do have a lot of Fun Ops. Dedicated Events are planned and held on Sundays whenever the mission makers got the spare time to prepare them. These events include, but are not limited to WW2 based PVP and PVE missions (with a twist) as well as the occasional non-WW2-stuff. Apart from that we also play fun WW2-related gamemodes on the server when no mission or training is being held. For now we got a resistance scenario called "Vindicta" going, which is great fun and comes with era appropriate equipment and enemies.
  • Flexibility on roles: While you can apply for a specialist slot, that doesnt mean you´ll only get to play as a rifleman when there are no vacant slots left. We do offer specialist trainings for all the different roles and encourage our squad members to play as different roles so things dont get boring. So switching classes with a squadmate or filling in for a medic who´s on vacation is absolutely possible and very much encouraged.
  • A legal copy of Arma III, no DLC´s required as of now
  • Being 17+ (exceptions are possible, depends on maturity)
  • Your willingness to learn and to follow orders
  • Some knowledge of the english language. Since many of our members are not native speakers however, there is no need for perfect english, we just have to understand each other. By the way, be aware that the author of this text is no native speaker, so sorry for any errors I made along the way- A working microphone
  • To respect your fellow paratroopers and in return to be respected
  • A sense of humour is helpful
  • Empathy towards new players, we will not tolerate anyone belittling someone else because of his lack of experience
  • Some level of commitment, especially from players who play in other units as well. There´s no mandatory attendance rules when real life stuff happens, but we will not commit to someone who does not want to commit to us. We are, after all, a unit and not some sort of backup plan. So please do only apply if you actually want to join us. If you just want to have a look first, i can send you links to tons of video material from different operations.
The 91st Airborne do offer quite a few roles which work together like cogs in a wheel. The roles are as follows:
  • Rifleman
  • Rifle Grenadier
  • Autorifleman
  • Machine Gunner
  • Machine Gunner Assistant
  • AT Specialist
  • AT Assistant
  • Radioman
  • Medic
Apart from that, there is a number of CO and NCO-Positions which you can be chosen for provided that a position is vacant and that you prove yourself character and skill-wise.
As of now Operations start on Saturday 18:00 BST. Most of our Units members are from all around Europe so we schedule operations and trainings with that in mind. However, if you´ve got no problem with that fact, you are absolutely welcome in the 91st, wherever you might live. BCT Dates will be provided depending on how many recruits there are. As of now, Thursday is reserved for Platoon Excercises. If you can not attend our operations or excercises, we ask you to tell your Squad Leaders so they can relay that information to Company HQ. Keep in mind, the Operations need to be balanced to the number of players that will be attending so that information is vital.
That´s all, I think. Sorry for the wall of text. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
submitted by 91stAirborne to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon
tl;dr: WW2-Milsim Unit with emphasis on being beginner friendly and not too serious outside operations looking for more members for 2nd platoon. Apply through our forums if you´re interested!
Important Links
Official Youtube:
Some funny videos recorded and edited by some of our guys:
Operation Glacier ; Operation Polyphemos ; recent Training Operation
Our very own newspaper:
Stars and Stripes, Nov. 2nd
Here´s some pics so you get the idea:
\"We´re Infantry, which means even if we get a ride we have to walk\" - Advancing with vehicles

\"But at least we can walk. Can't say that about the Germans once they met us\" - Ambushed german Convoy

\"It´s the mooost wonderful tiiiime of the yeeeear\" - 1st Platoon, 1st Squads Christmas Celebration

\"The best part of the mission is the 20 seconds of peace before you land\" - 1st Platoon, 2nd Squad deploying into a dropzone by C47 Skytrain
To be a part of the unit you just need to join our Forums: There you can fill in your (very short) application form and then you´ll get an automatic welcome message redirecting you to a recruitment discord. Once you arrive there, somebody will be in touch to arrange an interview in the next couple of days. If you pass this small hurdle, we´ll tell you when the next Basic Combat Training sessions will be.
We only do Basic Combat Trainings for serious applicants, so please make up your mind before you decide to join us. While we do not generally reject people who already play in another unit and we don´t have mandatory attendance rules when real life clashes with your wish to play arma, we will not commit to someone who is not willing to show the same commitment to our unit. Doing a basic training for someone who doesnt wish to join after all is just wasting the time of the applicant and the trainers alike. Afteryou´ve passed the interview phase and the BCT you earned your jump wings and are considered a full member of the unit with the rank of Pvt. You´ll be then assigned to Platoon HQ for a brief probation period. Once that´s done for, you´ll be assigned to one of the Squads in the Platoon you were trained in.
As you can see, we are a semi-professional WW2 Milsim unit that plays as US Paratroopers. We might be quite a new unit but we´re growing fast nevertheless. Currently Fox Company only consists of Company HQ and 1st Platoon with a Platoon HQ Section and 3 Rifle Squads. The 91st currently has roughly 60 members, attendance rates at the operations range between 35 - 40 players. We do aim for a full Company sized unit in the future, and are preparing the launch of our second platoon! There´s still vacant slots in there, tho, so don't you worry! Another goal of the unit is to go through different eras as time goes on, so World War II will most likely be followed by Vietnam at one point (in the far future).
The unit is relatively new and was created in May 2020 and one of our dedicated focuses is clearly to give inexperienced people a chance to play the game like it´s meant to be. That doesnt mean we are utterly inexpierienced. Our Company HQ brings tons of Milsim experience to the table and we do have several veterans of different, now disbanded or still active units. We have a whole crowd of very talented mission makers and aim for a pleasant and exciting experience for everyone. However, we are quite open to absolute newcomers and at least half of our players haven´t been in a Milsim Unit before. That means nobody will do the "Drill Sergeant" on you if you make a mistake. Every 'veteran' is there to help you and will give advice when needed. Especially your NCO's will always try to help you, be it with good advice, answering questions or doing some special short trainings to show you the ropes. Also we don´t take ourselves too serious, as you can see in the video links i posted initially.
We´re currently looking for recruits to fill up a 2nd Platoon so thatis where YOU come in! Right now, we´re fighting in France in our European Campaign, so now is the perfect time to join!
The 91st is led by the principle that, while we do act professionally and as realistic as possible during operations and training, after all we are NOT in the real US Army so we aren´t that rigid when we´re not on official stuff. While we are trying to be as professional as we are able to in the field, new players shouldn´t be afraid to join us. Our NCO´s and CO´s are not only selected by skill and competence, but by personality too. We do make sure that whoever is put in charge of a part of the unit is someone who is there for his guys and is always keen to help new players with problems they might have. You can, after all, learn game skills and tactics, but you can't unlearn being an **********.
91st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fox Company: The 91st Airborne was formed on the 4th of July 1940 as an experimental unit to be dropped behind enemy lines and disrupt enemy communication and supply lines, Recruitment started on the 9th of September 1940 and the unit was designated the 91st Parachute Infantry Regiment. [CLASSIFIED] was chosen as the location for the training facility under the name Camp Roanoke. On the 29th of April the recruits were in, under the command of Captain D. Winters and his back then XO Compton. Fox Company was the first to form. Unlike any other, this experimental unit had to meet the highest level of training as the soldiers were expected to fight without resupply for days as they jumped feet first into the chilly breeze of Axis occupied Europe. After the campaign in [CLASSIFIED] ended successfully, the 91st Airborne are currently fighting in France in the Western European Theatre of War.
We play as US Paratroopers in WW2, which means that the missions revolve around infantry based combat with little supplies. But the supply-situation is by far not the only difficulty we are facing during operations, since with the lack of any modern equipment, you´ll get challenged in ways you have never before. Because of that, there is a mandatory Basic Combat Training (BCT) that recruits will have to attend before they earn their Jump Wings and can join us in operations. It covers 3 phases that can be done on different dates since the training itself can be time-consuming and we see that recruits might have other plans. BCT Covers all the techniques, tactics and tools that are not part of your standard Arma III experience because of the setting or because they were added by mods. This includes but is not limited to: Our very own Code of Conduct, weapon and equipment familiarisation, formations and reaction to enemy fire, urban combat training, ACE and Enhanced Movement Mod familiarisation, Navigation without map markers or GPS and of course jumping and landing procedures. The BCT can be longer or shorter, depending on how familiar you are with the information provided. This ensures that you know the tools and tactics we use to fight and win our battles. Once BCT is completed, you are considered a full and equally respected member of the 91st Airborne. After you completed your BCT you´re a full member of the unit and can join us in our adventures. As your first assignment you´ll play as a rifleman in Platoon HQ to get a feeling for the Platoon related tactics and the general feeling of our operations. This probation period will last for 6 events, after that you´ll get your final assignment in one of the Rifle Sections. There are Platoon and Squad level live fire trainings if the Platoon HQ or the Squad Leader thinks, his or her group could use some excercise in certain areas. These always contain a little training part and an actual operation part, where we use what we´ve just learned so it doesnt get dull and theoretical. Operations revolve typically around a single target that needs to be taken, with several secondary targets along the way. Primary targets can be villages, cities, strategically valuable positions or enemy officers we need to capture. Our excellent mission makers make sure that the missions are always balanced with the number of attending players and diverse in their setting and objectives while being part of a coherent campaign so it never get´s boring or frustrating. These operations are then, again, embedded into an consistent campaign where the outcome of our operations affect the following missions directly and indirectly.
  • A welcoming, friendly environment: We would rather see ourselves as a group of friends than a Milsim Unit if we are not on operations or official training.
  • Professional Operations: That however does not mean our operations devolve to a band of headless chicken running around and probably shooting each other. Both the mission files and the execution are as professional as it gets
  • Training that fits the needs of the recruits: If you´re a seasoned player we will try or best not to bore you, if it is your first time ever playing Arma we will make sure to help you getting to know everything you need
  • Promotions based on skill and character: While a candidate for a NCO or CO position has to show that he is fit for said rank, that is not limited to an understanding of tactics and other game-related topics. A candidate also must have a certain character, he has to have an open ear for the game-related problems of his men and has to be helpful and not belittling. The NCO´s and CO´s job is first and foremost to ensure that everybody enjoys the experience.
  • A new gameplay experience: The setting and the restrictions it brings as well as the mods we use to add tools create a rather unique experience that differs from your standard Arma III gameplay. The lack of equipment like GPS, NVGs or Scopes and Supressors as well as the added realism through mods like ACE and Enhanced Movement come together in a mix that might look hard but leads to an immersive and addictive experience that you don´t want to miss again after you´ve done your first operation.
  • Fun Ops: Outside of our regular official Operations and Platoon Trainings, we do have a lot of Fun Ops. Dedicated Events are planned and held outside of our regular schedule whenever the mission makers got the spare time to prepare them. These events include, but are not limited to WW2 based PVP and PVE missions (with a twist like Zombies, Monsters and Aliens) as well as the occasional non-WW2-stuff. Apart from that we also play fun WW2-related gamemodes on the server when no mission or training is being held. For now we got a resistance scenario called "Vindicta" going, which is great fun and comes with era appropriate equipment and enemies.
  • Flexibility on roles: While you can apply for a specialist slot, that doesnt mean you´ll only get to play as a rifleman when there are no vacant slots left. We do offer specialist trainings for all the different roles and encourage our squad members to play as different roles so things dont get boring. So switching classes with a squadmate or filling in for a medic who´s on vacation is absolutely possible and very much encouraged.
  • A legal copy of Arma III, no DLC´s required as of now
  • Being 17+ (exceptions are possible, depends on maturity)
  • Your willingness to learn and to follow orders
  • Some knowledge of the english language. Since many of our members are not native speakers however, there is no need for perfect english, we just have to understand each other. By the way, be aware that the author of this text is no native speaker, so sorry for any errors I made along the way
  • A working microphone
  • To respect your fellow paratroopers and in return to be respected
  • A sense of humour is helpful
  • Empathy towards new players, we will not tolerate anyone belittling someone else because of his lack of experience
  • Some level of commitment, especially from players who play in other units as well. There´s no mandatory attendance rules when real life stuff happens, but we will not commit to someone who does not want to commit to us. We are, after all, a unit and not some sort of backup plan. So please do only apply if you actually want to join us and play with us. If you just want to have a look first, i can send you links to tons of video material from different operations and i´ll answer any questions you got if you PM me.
The 91st Airborne do offer quite a few roles which work together like cogs in a wheel. The roles are as follows:
  • Rifleman
  • Rifle Grenadier
  • Autorifleman
  • Machine Gunner
  • Machine Gunner Assistant
  • AT Specialist
  • AT Assistant
  • Radioman
  • Medic
Apart from that, there is a number of CO and NCO-Positions which you can be chosen for provided that a position is vacant and that you prove yourself character and skill-wise.
As of now Operations start on Saturday 18:00 BST. Most of our Units members are from all around Europe so we schedule operations and trainings with that in mind. However, if you´ve got no problem with that fact, you are absolutely welcome in the 91st, wherever you might live. BCT Dates will be provided depending on how many recruits there are. As of now, Thursday is reserved for Platoon Excercises. If you can not attend our operations or excercises, we ask you to tell your Squad Leaders so they can relay that information to Company HQ. Keep in mind, the Operations need to be balanced to the number of players that will be attending so that information is vital.
That´s all, I think. Sorry for the wall of text. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
submitted by 91stAirborne to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon

tl;dr: WW2-Milsim Unit with emphasis on being beginner friendly and not too serious outside operations looking for more members for 2nd platoon. Apply through our forums if you´re interested!
Important Links
Website (join forums to start recruitment process!):
Official Youtube:
Some funny videos recorded and edited by some of our guys:
Operation Glacier ; Operation Polyphemos ; recent Training Operation
Our very own newspaper:
Stars and Stripes, Nov. 2nd
Here´s some pics so you get the idea:
Christmas FunOp: Killing Santa because he went mad. Also, giving children gifts for free is creepy and communism
charging across a bridge in France
Failed attempt by Army forces to establish a bridgehead across a frozen river. Guess who they sent next?

Parts of Third Squad, First Platoon, Fox Company, making friends in Neaville, France.
To be a part of the unit you just need to join our Forums: There you can fill in your (very short) application form and then a staff member will be in touch with you after that to arrange a short interview on our recruitment discord in the next couple of days. If you pass this small hurdle, we´ll tell you when the next Basic Combat Training sessions will be.
We only do Basic Combat Trainings for serious applicants, so please make up your mind before you decide to join us. While we do not generally reject people who already play in another unit and we don´t have mandatory attendance rules when real life clashes with your wish to play arma, we will not commit to someone who is not willing to show the same commitment to our unit. Doing a basic training for someone who doesnt wish to join after all is just wasting the time of the applicant and the trainers alike. Afteryou´ve passed the interview phase and the BCT you earned your jump wings and are considered a full member of the unit with the rank of Pvt. You´ll then be assigned to a squad with your role preferences in mind. After a short probation time you can start to rise up in the ranks of the 91st Airborne.
As you can see, we are a semi-professional WW2 Milsim unit that plays as US Paratroopers. We might be quite a new unit but we´re growing fast nevertheless. Currently Fox Company only consists of Company HQ and 1st Platoon with a Platoon HQ Section and 3 Rifle Squads. The 91st currently has roughly 60 members, attendance rates at the operations range between 35 - 40 players. We do aim for a full Company sized unit in the future, and are preparing the launch of our second platoon! There´s still vacant slots in there, tho, so don't you worry! Another goal of the unit is to go through different eras as time goes on, so World War II will most likely be followed by Vietnam at one point (in the far future). While the unit itself is relatively new, that doesnt mean we are utterly inexpierienced. Our Company HQ brings tons of Milsim experience to the table and we do have several veterans of different, now disbanded units. However, we are quite open to absolute newcomers and at least half of our players haven´t been in a Milsim Unit before. We consider ourselves as a beginner friendly unit, so nobody will do the "Drill Sergeant" on you if you make a mistake.Also we don´t take ourselves too serious, as you can see in the video links i posted initially. We´re currently looking for recruits to fill up a 2nd Platoon so thatis where YOU come in! We are currently fighting in France, early in our European Campaign, so now is the perfect time to join!
The 91st is led by the principle that, while we do act professionally and as realistic as possible during operations and training, after all we are NOT in the real US Army so we aren´t that rigid when we´re not on official stuff. While we are trying to be as professional as we are able to in the field, new players shouldn´t be afraid to join us. Our NCO´s and CO´s are not only selected by skill and competence, but by personality too. We do make sure that whoever is put in charge of a part of the unit is someone who is there for his guys and is always keen to help new players with problems they might have.
91st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fox Company: The 91st Airborne was formed on the 4th of July 1940 as an experimental unit to be dropped behind enemy lines and disrupt enemy communication and supply lines, Recruitment started on the 9th of September 1940 and the unit was designated the 91st Parachute Infantry Regiment. [CLASSIFIED] was chosen as the location for the training facility under the name Camp Roanoke. On the 29th of April the recruits were in, under the command of Captain D. Winters and his back then XO Compton. Fox Company was the first to form. Unlike any other, this experimental unit had to meet the highest level of training as the soldiers were expected to fight without resupply for days as they jumped feet first into the chilly breeze of Axis occupied Europe. After the campaign in [CLASSIFIED] ended successfully, the 91st Airborne are currently fighting in France in the Western European Theatre of War.
We play as US Paratroopers in WW2, which means that the missions revolve around infantry based combat with little supplies. But the supply-situation is by far not the only difficulty we are facing during operations, since with the lack of any modern equipment, you´ll get challenged in ways you have never before. Because of that, there is a mandatory Basic Combat Training (BCT) that recruits will have to attend before they earn their Jump Wings and can join us in operations. It covers 3 phases that can be done on different dates since the training itself can be time-consuming and we see that recruits might have other plans. BCT Covers all the techniques, tactics and tools that are not part of your standard Arma III experience because of the setting or because they were added by mods. This includes but is not limited to: Our very own Code of Conduct, weapon and equipment familiarisation, formations and reaction to enemy fire, urban combat training, ACE and Enhanced Movement Mod familiarisation, Navigation without map markers or GPS and of course jumping and landing procedures. The BCT can be longer or shorter, depending on how familiar you are with the information provided. This ensures that you know the tools and tactics we use to fight and win our battles. Once BCT is completed, you are considered a full and equally respected member of the 91st Airborne. The BCT might be followed by a short instruction if you wish to play as a specialist role like medic, but other than that there are no mandatory trainings that you need to do before you can join us in actual operations. There are, however, Platoon and Squad level live fire trainings if the Platoon HQ or the Squad Leader thinks, his or her group could use some excercise in certain areas. Operations revolve typically around a single target that needs to be taken, with several secondary targets along the way. Primary targets can be villages, cities, strategically valuable positions or enemy officers we need to capture. Our excellent mission makers make sure that the missions are always balanced with the number of attending players and diverse in their setting and objectives while being part of a coherent campaign so it never get´s boring or frustrating. These operations are then, again, embedded into an consistent campaign where the outcome of our operations affect the following missions directly and indirectly.
The 91st Airborne do offer quite a few roles which work together like cogs in a wheel. The roles are as follows:
Apart from that, there is a number of CO and NCO-Positions which you can be chosen for provided that a position is vacant and that you prove yourself character and skill-wise.
As of now Operations start on Saturday 18:00 BST. Most of our Units members are from all around Europe so we schedule operations and trainings with that in mind. However, if you´ve got no problem with that fact, you are absolutely welcome in the 91st, wherever you might live. BCT Dates will be provided depending on how many recruits there are. As of now, Thursday is reserved for Platoon Excercises. If you can not attend our operations or excercises, we ask you to tell your Squad Leaders so they can relay that information to Company HQ. Keep in mind, the Operations need to be balanced to the number of players that will be attending so that information is vital.
That´s all, I think. Sorry for the wall of text. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
submitted by 91stAirborne to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon
tl;dr: WW2-Milsim Unit with emphasis on being beginner friendly and not too serious outside operations looking for more members for 2nd platoon. Apply through our forums if you´re interested!
Important Links
Website (join forums to start recruitment process!):
Official Youtube:
Some funny videos recorded and edited by some of our guys:
Operation Glacier ; Operation Polyphemos ; recent Training Operation
Our very own newspaper:
Stars and Stripes, Nov. 2nd
Here´s some pics so you get the idea:
To be a part of the unit you just need to join our Forums:
There you can fill in your (very short) application form and then a staff member will be in touch with you after that to arrange a short interview on our recruitment discord in the next couple of days. If you pass this small hurdle, we´ll tell you when the next Basic Combat Training sessions will be. We only do Basic Combat Trainings for serious applicants, so please make up your mind before you decide to join us. While we do not generally reject people who already play in another unit and we don´t have mandatory attendance rules when real life clashes with your wish to play arma, we will not commit to someone who is not willing to show the same commitment to our unit. Doing a basic training for someone who doesnt wish to join after all is just wasting the time of the applicant and the trainers alike. After you´ve passed the interview phase and the BCT you earned your jump wings and are considered a full member of the unit with the rank of Pvt. You´ll then be assigned to a squad with your role preferences in mind. After a short probation time you can start to rise up in the ranks of the 91st Airborne.
As you can see, we are a semi-professional WW2 Milsim unit that plays as US Paratroopers. We might be quite a new unit but we´re growing fast nevertheless. Currently Fox Company only consists of Company HQ and 1st Platoon with a Platoon HQ Section, 2 Rifle Squads and 1 Support/Heavy Weapon Squad. The 91st currently has roughly 50 members, attendance rates at the operations range between 25 - 40 players. We do aim for a full Company sized unit in the future, which means we roughly want to double our numbers. Another goal of the unit is to go through different eras as time goes on, so World War II will most likely be followed by Vietnam at one point (in the far future). While the unit itself is relatively new, that doesnt mean we are utterly inexpierienced. Our Company HQ brings tons of Milsim experience to the table and we do have several veterans of different, now disbanded units. However, we are quite open to absolute newcomers and at least half of our players haven´t been in a Milsim Unit before. We consider ourselves as a beginner friendly unit, so nobody will do the "Drill Sergeant" on you if you make a mistake.Also we don´t take ourselves too serious, as you can see in the video links i posted initially. We´re currently looking for recruits to fill up a 2nd Platoon so thatis where YOU come in! We are currently fighting in France, early in our European Campaign, so now is the perfect time to join!
The 91st is led by the principle that, while we do act professionally and as realistic as possible during operations and training, after all we are NOT in the real US Army so we aren´t that rigid when we´re not on official stuff. While we are trying to be as professional as we are able to in the field, new players shouldn´t be afraid to join us. Our NCO´s and CO´s are not only selected by skill and competence, but by personality too. We do make sure that whoever is put in charge of a part of the unit is someone who is there for his guys and is always keen to help new players with problems they might have.
91st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fox Company:The 91st Airborne was formed on the 4th of July 1940 as an experimental unit to be dropped behind enemy lines and disrupt enemy communication and supply lines, Recruitment started on the 9th of September 1940 and the unit was designated the 91st Parachute Infantry Regiment. [CLASSIFIED] was chosen as the location for the training facility under the name Camp Roanoke. On the 29th of April the recruits were in, under the command of Captain D. Winters and his back then XO Compton. Fox Company was the first to form. Unlike any other, this experimental unit had to meet the highest level of training as the soldiers were expected to fight without resupply for days as they jumped feet first into the chilly breeze of Axis occupied Europe. After the campaign in [CLASSIFIED] ended successfully, the 91st Airborne are currently fighting in France in the Western European Theatre of War.
We play as US Paratroopers in WW2, which means that the missions revolve around infantry based combat with little supplies. But the supply-situation is by far not the only difficulty we are facing during operations, since with the lack of any modern equipment, you´ll get challenged in ways you have never before. Because of that, there is a mandatory Basic Combat Training (BCT) that recruits will have to attend before they earn their Jump Wings and can join us in operations. It covers 3 phases that can be done on different dates since the training itself can be time-consuming and we see that recruits might have other plans. BCT Covers all the techniques, tactics and tools that are not part of your standard Arma III experience because of the setting or because they were added by mods. This includes but is not limited to: Our very own Code of Conduct, weapon and equipment familiarisation, formations and reaction to enemy fire, urban combat training, ACE and Enhanced Movement Mod familiarisation, Navigation without map markers or GPS and of course jumping and landing procedures. The BCT can be longer or shorter, depending on how familiar you are with the information provided. This ensures that you know the tools and tactics we use to fight and win our battles. Once BCT is completed, you are considered a full and equally respected member of the 91st Airborne. The BCT might be followed by a short instruction if you wish to play as a specialist role like medic, but other than that there are no mandatory trainings that you need to do before you can join us in actual operations. There are, however, Platoon and Squad level live fire trainings if the Platoon HQ or the Squad Leader thinks, his or her group could use some excercise in certain areas. Operations revolve typically around a single target that needs to be taken, with several secondary targets along the way. Primary targets can be villages, cities, strategically valuable positions or enemy officers we need to capture. Our excellent mission makers make sure that the missions are always balanced with the number of attending players and diverse in their setting and objectives while being part of a coherent campaign so it never get´s boring or frustrating. These operations are then, again, embedded into an consistent campaign where the outcome of our operations affect the following missions directly and indirectly.
  • *A welcoming, friendly environment:*We would rather see ourselves as a group of friends than a Milsim Unit if we are not on operations or official training.
  • *Professional Operations:*That however does not mean our operations devolve to a band of headless chicken running around and probably shooting each other. Both the mission files and the execution are as professional as it gets
  • *Training that fits the needs of the recruits:*If you´re a seasoned player we will try or best not to bore you, if it is your first time ever playing Arma we will make sure to help you getting to know everything you need
  • *Promotions based on skill and character:*While a candidate for a NCO or CO position has to show that he is fit for said rank, that is not limited to an understanding of tactics and other game-related topics. A candidate also must have a certain character, he has to have an open ear for the game-related problems of his men and has to be helpful and not belittling. The NCO´s and CO´s job is first and foremost to ensure that everybody enjoys the experience.
  • *A new gameplay experience:*The setting and the restrictions it brings as well as the mods we use to add tools create a rather unique experience that differs from your standard Arma III gameplay. The lack of equipment like GPS, NVGs or Scopes and Supressors as well as the added realism through mods like ACE and Enhanced Movement come together in a mix that might look hard but leads to an immersive and addictive experience that you don´t want to miss again after you´ve done your first operation.
  • Fun Ops: Outside of our regular official Operations and Platoon Trainings, we do have a lot of Fun Ops. Dedicated Events are planned and held on Sundays whenever the mission makers got the spare time to prepare them. These events include, but are not limited to WW2 based PVP and PVE missions (with a twist) as well as the occasional non-WW2-stuff. Apart from that we also play fun WW2-related gamemodes on the server when no mission or training is being held. For now we got a resistance scenario called "Vindicta" going, which is great fun and comes with era appropriate equipment and enemies.
  • Flexibility on roles: While you can apply for a specialist slot, that doesnt mean you´ll only get to play as a rifleman when there are no vacant slots left. We do offer specialist trainings for all the different roles and encourage our squad members to play as different roles so things dont get boring. So switching classes with a squadmate or filling in for a medic who´s on vacation is absolutely possible and very much encouraged.
  • A legal copy of Arma III, no DLC´s required as of now
  • Being 17+ (exceptions are possible, depends on maturity)
  • Your willingness to learn and to follow orders
  • Some knowledge of the english language. Since many of our members are not native speakers however, there is no need for perfect english, we just have to understand each other. By the way, be aware that the author of this text is no native speaker, so sorry for any errors I made along the way- A working microphone
  • To respect your fellow paratroopers and in return to be respected
  • A sense of humour is helpful
  • Empathy towards new players, we will not tolerate anyone belittling someone else because of his lack of experience
  • Some level of commitment, especially from players who play in other units as well. There´s no mandatory attendance rules when real life stuff happens, but we will not commit to someone who does not want to commit to us. We are, after all, a unit and not some sort of backup plan. So please do only apply if you actually want to join us. If you just want to have a look first, i can send you links to tons of video material from different operations.
The 91st Airborne do offer quite a few roles which work together like cogs in a wheel. The roles are as follows:
  • Rifleman
  • Autorifleman
  • Machine Gunner
  • Ammo Bearer
  • AT Specialist
  • Radioman
  • Medic
  • Engineer
Apart from that, there is a number of CO and NCO-Positions which you can be chosen for provided that a position is vacant and that you prove yourself character and skill-wise.
As of now Operations start on Saturday 18:00 BST. Most of our Units members are from all around Europe so we schedule operations and trainings with that in mind. However, if you´ve got no problem with that fact, you are absolutely welcome in the 91st, wherever you might live. BCT Dates will be provided depending on how many recruits there are. As of now, Thursday is reserved for Platoon Excercises. If you can not attend our operations or excercises, we ask you to tell your Squad Leaders so they can relay that information to Company HQ. Keep in mind, the Operations need to be balanced to the number of players that will be attending so that information is vital.
That´s all, I think. Sorry for the wall of text. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
submitted by 91stAirborne to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon

[A3] [EU] [WW2] [RECRUITING] 91st Airborne: Beginner-friendly WW2-Airborne Unit is recruiting for 2nd Platoon
tl;dr: WW2-Milsim Unit with emphasis on being beginner friendly and not too serious outside operations looking for more members for 2nd platoon. Apply through our forums if you´re interested!
Important Links
Website (join forums to start recruitment process!):
Official Youtube:
Some funny videos recorded and edited by some of our guys:
Operation Glacier ; Operation Polyphemos ; recent Training Operation
Our very own newspaper:
Stars and Stripes, Nov. 2nd
Here´s some pics so you get the idea:

Training Op Debrief

Stalking the new recruits & trainers at our Urban Combat Training Course

2nd Squad, 1st Platoon, securing a bridgehead under smoke cover from mortars

1st Squad, 1st Platoon & Support Squad, 1st Platoon crossing an open field with halftrack support
To be a part of the unit you just need to join our Forums: There you can fill in your (very short) application form and then a staff member will be in touch with you after that to arrange a short interview on our recruitment discord. If you pass this small hurdle, we´ll tell you when the next Basic Combat Training sessions will be. We only do Basic Combat Trainings for serious applicants, so please make up your mind before you decide to join us. While we do not generally reject people who already play in another unit and we don´t have mandatory attendance rules when real life clashes with your wish to play arma, we will not commit to someone who is not willing to show the same commitment to our unit. Doing a basic training for someone who doesnt wish to join after all is just wasting the time of the applicant and the trainers alike. After you´ve passed the interview phase and the BCT you earned your jump wings and are considered a full member of the unit with the rank of Pvt. You´ll then be assigned to a squad with your role preferences in mind. After a short probation time you can start to rise up in the ranks of the 91st Airborne.
As you can see, we are a semi-professional WW2 Milsim unit that plays as US Paratroopers. We might be quite a new unit but we´re growing fast nevertheless. Currently Fox Company only consists of Company HQ and 1st Platoon with a Platoon HQ Section, 2 Rifle Squads and 1 Support/Heavy Weapon Squad. The 91st currently has roughly 40 members, attendance rates at the operations range between 20 - 30 players. We do aim for a full Company sized unit in the future, which means we roughly want to double our numbers. Another goal of the unit is to go through different eras as time goes on, so World War II will most likely be followed by Vietnam at one point (in the far future). While the unit itself is relatively new, that doesnt mean we are utterly inexpierienced. Our Company HQ brings tons of Milsim experience to the table and we do have several veterans of different, now disbanded units. However, we are quite open to absolute newcomers and at least half of our players haven´t been in a Milsim Unit before. We consider ourselves as a beginner friendly unit, so nobody will do the "Drill Sergeant" on you if you make a mistake. Also we don´t take ourselves too serious, as you can see in the video links i posted initially. We´re currently looking for recruits to fill up a 2nd Platoon so thatis where YOU come in! We are currently fighting in France, early in our European Campaign, so now is the perfect time to join!
The 91st is led by the principle that, while we do act professionally and as realistic as possible during operations and training, after all we are NOT in the real US Army so we aren´t that rigid when we´re not on official stuff. While we are trying to be as professional as we are able to in the field, new players shouldn´t be afraid to join us. Our NCO´s and CO´s are not only selected by skill and competence, but by personality too. We do make sure that whoever is put in charge of a part of the unit is someone who is there for his guys and is always keen to help new players with problems they might have.
91st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fox Company: The 91st Airborne was formed on the 4th of July 1940 as an experimental unit to be dropped behind enemy lines and disrupt enemy communication and supply lines, Recruitment started on the 9th of September 1940 and the unit was designated the 91st Parachute Infantry Regiment. [CLASSIFIED] was chosen as the location for the training facility under the name Camp Roanoke. On the 29th of April the recruits were in, under the command of Captain D. Winters and his back then XO Compton. Fox Company was the first to form. Unlike any other, this experimental unit had to meet the highest level of training as the soldiers were expected to fight without resupply for days as they jumped feet first into the chilly breeze of Axis occupied Europe. After the campaign in [CLASSIFIED] ended successfully, the 91st Airborne are currently fighting in France in the Western European Theatre of War.
We play as US Paratroopers in WW2, which means that the missions revolve around infantry based combat with little supplies. But the supply-situation is by far not the only difficulty we are facing during operations, since with the lack of any modern equipment, you´ll get challenged in ways you have never before. Because of that, there is a mandatory Basic Combat Training (BCT) that recruits will have to attend before they earn their Jump Wings and can join us in operations. It covers 3 phases that can be done on different dates since the training itself can be time-consuming and we see that recruits might have other plans. BCT Covers all the techniques, tactics and tools that are not part of your standard Arma III experience because of the setting or because they were added by mods. This includes but is not limited to: Our very own Code of Conduct, weapon and equipment familiarisation, formations and reaction to enemy fire, urban combat training, ACE and Enhanced Movement Mod familiarisation, Navigation without map markers or GPS and of course jumping and landing procedures. The BCT can be longer or shorter, depending on how familiar you are with the information provided. This ensures that you know the tools and tactics we use to fight and win our battles. Once BCT is completed, you are considered a full and equally respected member of the 91st Airborne. The BCT might be followed by a short instruction if you wish to play as a specialist role like medic, but other than that there are no mandatory trainings that you need to do before you can join us in actual operations. There are, however, Platoon and Squad level live fire trainings if the Platoon HQ or the Squad Leader thinks, his or her group could use some excercise in certain areas. Operations revolve typically around a single target that needs to be taken, with several secondary targets along the way. Primary targets can be villages, cities, strategically valuable positions or enemy officers we need to capture. Our excellent mission makers make sure that the missions are always balanced with the number of attending players and diverse in their setting and objectives while being part of a coherent campaign so it never get´s boring or frustrating. These operations are then, again, embedded into an consistent campaign where the outcome of our operations affect the following missions directly and indirectly.
A welcoming, friendly environment: We would rather see ourselves as a group of friends than a Milsim Unit if we are not on operations or official training.
Professional Operations: That however does not mean our operations devolve to a band of headless chicken running around and probably shooting each other. Both the mission files and the execution are as professional as it gets
Training that fits the needs of the recruits: If you´re a seasoned player we will try or best not to bore you, if it is your first time ever playing Arma we will make sure to help you getting to know everything you need
Promotions based on skill and character: While a candidate for a NCO or CO position has to show that he is fit for said rank, that is not limited to an understanding of tactics and other game-related topics. A candidate also must have a certain character, he has to have an open ear for the game-related problems of his men and has to be helpful and not belittling. The NCO´s and CO´s job is first and foremost to ensure that everybody enjoys the experience.
A new gameplay experience: The setting and the restrictions it brings as well as the mods we use to add tools create a rather unique experience that differs from your standard Arma III gameplay. The lack of equipment like GPS, NVGs or Scopes and Supressors as well as the added realism through mods like ACE and Enhanced Movement come together in a mix that might look hard but leads to an immersive and addictive experience that you don´t want to miss again after you´ve done your first operation.
Fun Ops: Outside of our regular official Operations and Platoon Trainings, we do have a lot of Fun Ops. Dedicated Events are planned and held on Sundays whenever the mission makers got the spare time to prepare them. These events include, but are not limited to WW2 based PVP and PVE missions (with a twist) as well as the occasional non-WW2-stuff. Apart from that we also play fun WW2-related gamemodes on the server when no mission or training is being held. For now we got a resistance scenario called "Vindicta" going, which is great fun and comes with era appropriate equipment and enemies.
Flexibility on roles: While you can apply for a specialist slot, that doesnt mean you´ll only get to play as a rifleman when there are no vacant slots left. We do offer specialist trainings for all the different roles and encourage our squad members to play as different roles so things dont get boring. So switching classes with a squadmate or filling in for a medic who´s on vacation is absolutely possible and very much encouraged.
- A legal copy of Arma III, no DLC´s required as of now
- Being 17+ (exceptions are possible, depends on maturity)
- Your willingness to learn and to follow orders
- Some knowledge of the english language. Since many of our members are not native speakers however, there is no need for perfect english, we just have to understand each other. By the way, be aware that the author of this text is no native speaker, so sorry for any errors I made along the way - A working microphone
- To respect your fellow paratroopers and in return to be respected
- A sense of humour is helpful
- Empathy towards new players, we will not tolerate anyone belittling someone else because of his lack of experience
- Some level of commitment, especially from players who play in other units as well. There´s no mandatory attendance rules when real life stuff happens, but we will not commit to someone who does not want to commit to us. We are, after all, a unit and not some sort of backup plan. So please do only apply if you actually want to join us. If you just want to have a look first, i can send you links to tons of video material from different operations.
The 91st Airborne do offer quite a few roles which work together like cogs in a wheel. The roles are as follows:
- Rifleman
- Autorifleman
- Machine Gunner
- Ammo Bearer
- AT Specialist
- Radioman
- Medic
- Engineer
Apart from that, there is a number of CO and NCO-Positions which you can be chosen for provided that a position is vacant and that you prove yourself character and skill-wise.
As of now Operations start on Saturday 18:00 BST. Most of our Units members are from all around Europe so we schedule operations and trainings with that in mind. However, if you´ve got no problem with that fact, you are absolutely welcome in the 91st, wherever you might live. BCT Dates will be provided depending on how many recruits there are. As of now, Thursday is reserved for Platoon Excercises. If you can not attend our operations or excercises, we ask you to tell your Squad Leaders so they can relay that information to Company HQ. Keep in mind, the Operations need to be balanced to the number of players that will be attending so that information is vital.
That´s all, I think. Sorry for the wall of text. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
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what does it mean when a guy texts xo video

What does XO mean from a guy? - YouTube Things A Guy Will Text When He's REALLY Into You - YouTube Things A Guy Will Text You When He's REALLY Into You ... What does it mean when a guy texts everyday? - YouTube What He Really Means: Decoding Texts - YouTube When A Guy Texts You Everyday What Does That Mean What does it mean WHEN A GUY NEVER TEXTS YOU FIRST? - YouTube What does XOXO mean in a text from a girl? - YouTube What His TEXT REPLIES Really Mean!? (He Might Like You ... What does XOXO mean in a text from a girl? - YouTube

My crush just did this, and I probably am over reacting, but still.. Does it mean much to guys, or is it just something they simply add on? He's never done it before, and we've talked ALOT (about 3 hours everyday..) And he knows I like him.. I know with girls, they just add "x" or "xo" onto the end of most things, but I'm pretty sure it's not the same for guys.. Xoxo means hugs and kisses. If your question is what does the guy mean when he sent you xoxo, i think that it depends on how much you are close to him and the conversation at that moment. If the conversation was normal and he never sent you heart emoji or xoxo before then i think that he wanted to be closer to you. What Those Texts From Your Crush Really Mean. ashley locke nov 17, 2017. And then trying to decipher their texts is a whole mess in itself. To cut some agony out of your life, we made a handy-dandy guide that reveals the meaning behind some of your crush ' s most commonly sent texts. I mean, are any of us really Not anything too often but like I might with one of my guy I actually have a girlfriend whom I love very much so my texts with her usually end up being VERY The xoxo is a symbol of hugs and kisses. This was used before emojis in notes and messages. Some people say the x’s mean kisses and o’s mean hugs, while others will say the opposite. His behaviors are indications of his strong emotional connection with you. Miss you! X”. Normally, the X would only be in the first message or two though, and then it would be dropped. This could also be applied to a heart emoji. The alternative was if a guy was interested, and usually they would include an X after every single message. Eg. XO in a letter, email or text message usually stands for "hugs and kisses." X is for kiss and O is for hug. The use of x's and o's began in the Middle Ages, when the Christian cross was drawn on a If you are seeing someone special at least once a week and texting each other daily, you may receive an XO text. This shortcode is a sign that the relationship is moving in the right direction. If things are going well, XOs may start showing up as messages from one, two, and three times. why would a boyfriend not put xo's at the end of a text. my boyfriend used to do this to every text. we broke up for 3 months but we got back together and he doesn't put any, anymore. that being said he has made more effort to contact me first instead of me doing all the week. he said he wanted to take things slow. we've been dating on off now for 2 years.

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What does XO mean from a guy? - YouTube

My FREE "Dating Confidence Masterclass" is now LIVE until Feb 1st, 2021. No credit card required, just your first name and your best email address to registe... What does it mean when a guy never texts you first? I know it’s really annoying when a guy you like never texts you first but always replies when you message... Whitney has had a few confusing texts with a guy. Steve decided to decode the messages and let her know what he's really saying. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest ... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... The Weeknd After Hours • What does XO mean from a guy?-----Our mission is to create educational content. Therefore, we also explored this topic from a s... What does XOXO mean in a text from a girl?Why Does "XOXO" Mean "Kisses and Hugs"? Mental FlossJun 4, 2019Whether you end a letter or e-mail with it—or you ... MHM Mean • What does it mean when a guy texts everyday? ----- Our main goal is creating educational content. The topic of this video has been processed ... Have you ever texted someone you like and got back a really confusing reply... I think we all have lol. In todays video I'm talking about what a guys text re... What does XOXO mean in a text from a girl?Jun 4, 2019Whether you end a letter or e-mail with it—or you recognize it from the end of each Gossip Girl episode—... So When A Guy Texts You Everyday What Does That Mean? Here is what it means! Hey Guys, Sisi Here! 😎🌹 Hope this was helpful! 👍Here is How to Become the wom... So When A Guy Texts You Every

what does it mean when a guy texts xo

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