Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that let you turn real money into MMO

mmorpg games that you can make real money

mmorpg games that you can make real money - win

ArcheAge: News & Discussion forum

ArcheAge is a medieval fantasy massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Korean studio, XL Games. It is available for North American, European, Australian, Russian, and Korean players. The English version of the freemium game (NA/EU/Australia) is available on Steam and Glyph. ArcheAge Unchained, a single purchase version, is available as of October 15, 2019. This subreddit is dedicated to the aggregation of news, content, and discussion.

Like MMORPGs? Entropia Universe is a F2P game that you can make real money playing... it just takes hours and hours to make even a dollar

Like MMORPGs? Entropia Universe is a F2P game that you can make real money playing... it just takes hours and hours to make even a dollar submitted by NEETpride to NEET [link] [comments]

Log Horizon Seasons 1-2 Recap/Primer (Anime-Only)

Log Horizon season 3 is about to start, and if you're like me you do not at all remember everything that happened in seasons 1 and 2. Well, I didn't want to risk getting spoiled from reading wikis, so I binge-rewatched the first two seasons this past weekend and took a ton of notes so I can share with anyone else needing a reminder or ten.
This is certified 100% anime-only content meant specifically for anime viewers. I haven't even glanced at the light novels or wiki. Fans who have read the novels, this is NOT the place for you to chime in with "clarifications" and "by the ways". This place is for anime-only viewers, most of whom do not want to know the slightest bit of what happens next so we can experience it ourselves. I and the people in this thread do not give a rat-man's ass about some novel exposition from volume 2 that the anime skipped over in season 1 - go make your own thread if you are compelled to share that information.
This post is almost certainly going to hit the character limit, so I'm not going to summarize every major character or every plotline from the first two seasons. I could never hope to outline every major character's arc and development over 50 episodes in that few characters. Instead, I am only going to focus on the rules of the world and the plotlines that were still ongoing/unresolved at the end of season 2 - in other words, what I think you may need to know heading into season 3. Even if you don't remember them well, I'm sure you'll pick up the interdynamics of all these goofballs well enough just from seeing them in action again.

Poster Characters


Populations of Theldesia




People of the Land

The Kunie Clan:

Instincts, Progress, & Innovation

When Elder Tale was a game, players were limited in what they could achieve by the limitations of built-in character animations, feats needing to have been pre-programmed as skills, and the game interface itself. Following The Apocalypse, the Adventurers in Theldesia still have access to the game interface and can still do everything the old way... but they don't have to. A magical leaping sword strike formerly activated by pushing a button can now also be activated by doing the same motions and thinking about using that skill. In fact, the latter option is better - the Adventurer can control and manipulate the skill with greater control and precision than the rote motions that result from doing it through the menu.
Just as this applies to combat skills, so it goes for the rest of the world:

Food and Crafting

Combining ingredient items through the in-game interface according to a pre-programmed recipe makes food that looks correct and does nourish the body, but has no distinct taste or smell. But, if a player with the chef sub-class actually combines and prepares the ingredients by hand, it makes real food. More complex and difficult recipes require finer ingredients and a higher level in the cooking skill or they still end up turning to mush.
Similarly, Adventurers with crafting sub-classes and skills can make superior, more refined, and more varied designs if they go through the process by-hand rather than using the crafting menu.


Adventurers with the skill and ingenuity to create and craft things by-hand rather than using the menus are also not bound by the finite list of recipes and inventions that were programmed into Elder Tale. They can combine basics in all sorts of new ways not seen before. Soon after The Apocalypse, clever Adventurers developed basic steam engines and the rate of invention has been rapid ever since - less than a year later, someone has mixed magic and technology together to create a magitech hover train.
These changes have had a far-reaching effect on the societies and economies of Theldesia. Facets of Adventurer culture such as their food and clothing have been swiftly embraced by the People of the Land and Adventurer economies have largely shifted away from quest-like tasks such as raids or guarding a People of the Land caravan to their own Adventurer industries, which has fractured the traditional Adventurer-People of the Land relationship and lead to many unforeseen consequences, such as an attempted goblin invasion.


Teachings (aka Overskills) are supposed new skills achieved by some Adventurers that were not possible back when it was a game. They are commonly perceived as being a higher-tier version of commonly known skills or powerful new abilities.
In actuality, Teachings are just (a) unorthodox applications of existing skills, or (b) instincts gained from becoming more in-touch with the world and losing the mentality of it being a game. E.g. Nazuna figured out that she can use the protective barriers she normally cast on other people as airborne platforms she can climb/jump on instead. Adventurers tend to

"The Apocalypse is not over yet"

As Shiroe comments, the natural laws of the world post-Apocalypse are altogether a confused mish-mash of Elder Tale game mechanics with real-world logic. Gradually, however, these two separate systems are starting to merge. Some known examples are:

The Debauchery Tea Party

In Akiba:
In Minami:

Unresolved Plots & Mysteries

Regan, New Magic and the World Fractions:

Death and Resurrection

Enemies in the West

The Disappearance of Krusty Suzumiya

Ennui & Social Safety Nets



The Third/Fourth Party

A Way Home

Other Mysteries

The Crushes



I'm really glad I rewatched all of Log Horizon. In my opinion, it is a series that has gotten even better with age. If you are debating about delaying season 3 to rewatch the first two seasons or not, I say do it.
There was no shortage of isekai series when Log Horizon first aired, and that number has only increased since. But how many isekai series actually want to seriously engage with their premise? Having the protagonist recognize that they've been transported into a video game world only to immediately shrug off all possible ramifications of this is funny, sure, but it's also definitely taking the easy way out. Nowadays, many series don't even bother with the 5-minute isekai-and-forget-it routine and just opt to pitch it as a fantasy tale in a nonsensically video game-themed setting, but even then the characters rarely engage with the consequences of the setting being game-ified.
Not so Log Horizon.
Log Horizon never forgets that its characters are real people and real gamers, worried far more about the existential unknown than yet another goblin king. It's not just that the story dabbles into politics, economics, and social reform, though that's great, too. It's the constant fear of the unknown, the optimism to rally against it, and the heart to learn lessons from it.
submitted by aniMayor to anime [link] [comments]

Getting Hacked in 2010, Vyve, ExpressVPN, the Auction House, and being BANNED

Getting Hacked in 2010, Vyve, ExpressVPN, the Auction House, and being BANNED

UPDATED: 2/9/2021

I have been checking my email pretty regularly since this all started. At 6:15AM EST I received this:

We are $7.50 sorry.
I am excited that the ban was overturned, and I understand that giving a reason that it was banned originally might help some future hacker or bot runner improve their practices.
I hope that anyone experiencing this issue, who feels hopeless or is simply looking for how long the experience will take, will find this post.
A quick recap for those just finding this post:
  • I was banned on 2/2/2021 for Hacking/Botting.
  • I appealed the ban through Blizzard's ticketing system. Make sure you go directly to the Ban Appeal, and not the normal World of Warcraft ticket.
  • After 24 hours, I was asked to provide a picture or scan of my driver's license on top of a local paper with the current date. If you are trying to prepare for this, I'd advise waiting until the ticket comes back before buying a paper. Make sure it's a local town/city paper, and not something like the New York Times.
  • After submitting the images, I was unable to verify that the images were uploaded. Don't panic. If a new page loads indicating that the ticket was updated, the images were sent.
    • Side note: Several times during the process, the ticket was marked as RESOLVED. You will need to reopen the ticket to address any issues. There are buttons at the bottom of the ticket that will let you indicate you "still have a problem". This is what I had to do to reopen the ticket and submit my ID images. Don't open a new ticket with your ID picture.
  • After another 24 hours, I was told that the images had been successfully uploaded and they were being escalated to another team (Hacks Team) for review. If your ticket is still being reviewed on a Thursday or Friday, be prepared to wait over the weekend. It is clear that the hacks team does not work weekends.
  • After the weekend I waited an additional day, in total the response time as 3.5 days on the last portion of the ticket.
  • On Tuesday, 2/9/2021 I was emailed directly indicating that my ban was made in error and I was compensated game time for my troubles.
In closing, I want to make sure people experiencing this who are truly banned in error do not get discouraged or worried that their account is 100% gone. I was convinced for a while that I would never play my Hunter again.
The original ban email, as well as many forum and Blizzard posts are written to address legitimate bans. They want to ensure that hackers and botters know that guilty people will remain banned. If you are caught up in this process, don't feel like you're guilty with no options.
If you are innocent, just wait out the process. It is a far from perfect system, but it did eventually work out for me.
Also, for those of you who read the entire original post, and wonder what I finally decided to do:

thugshirt life
I'll be wearing this shirt as a reminder of my experience.
See you in Oribos, Maw Walkers.

Original Post Begins Here:

(If you've found this post and want information on the ban and appeal process, skip to the bottom)

My Experience Being Hacked/Banned in 2010

In May of 2010 my World of Warcraft account was hacked. The hacker attached an authenticator, cleaned out all of my characters, and then (I assumed) advertised gold selling websites until the account was banned. I received an email regarding the ban, and then went through the arduous process of getting my account restored.
This was not an uncommon occurrence at the time. As I recall, authenticators had only been out for a little while. I was devastated, as this was during a time when I was a very dedicated raider and missing a week of raiding was a huge bummer.
However, nothing was worse than logging back in for the first time. My hunter stood in front of a mailbox in Dalaran totally naked. In my mailbox, a list of items that had been sold to a vendor. The gold sent off to be sold. Seeing each item pop into my bag, I was reminded of the time and effort spent raid, and how easily all of that could be taken away.
I'll never forget what happened while I stood at the mailbox, equipping each item, trying to remember what set I was wearing, and if I was missing anything. A stranger sent me a /tell, asking if I just got hacked and of course closing out the message "LOL".
How fucking embarrassing it was to be watched like that, shamed because I got hacked, and trying to recover months of work naked at a mailbox.
To write here that I think hacking an MMORPG is something scum does is an understatement. I used to watch the orcs in Orgrimmar dance in front of the auction house, spelling gold selling sites in the air, fuming because they were actively working to ruin the game.
I preface my story with this anecdote because I want you, the reader, to understand that hacking (and botting) are issues in World of Warcraft that bother me. They actively work to ruin an experience that I have enjoyed since 2006. I have been personally affected by these practices, and understand the impact they can have.

Vyve ISP and ExpressVPN

So now it's 2021. I have been playing and enjoying Shadowlands. I don't have the same time to dedicate to raiding, but I've found a lot of joy playing through the Mythic+ experience. For the first time in many expansions, I am spending time outside of the game on forums, discord, and researching my class and spec on websites like icy veins.
Summer of 2020, my ISP Northland Cable was bought by Vyve. It seemed like out-of-nowhere my town was swarming with Vyve trucks. My house experienced some outages during this time, but I chalked it up to Vyve setting up it's equipment. There were several bucket trucks combing neighborhoods at the time, fiddling with lines.
After these short outages, things seemed to go back to normal. I was able to level and play Shadowlands without issue. It was really enjoyable, and going from Beast Mastery Hunter (which I had played consistently for years) to Marksman was really a great experience. It was almost like rediscovering how much fun Hunter was for the first time.
Months passed and one weekend in December, during my only dedicated time to play, I began to experience consistent disconnects. Of course this was during a few Mythic+ dungeons. It made the game unplayable. It even impacted Overwatch, which I decided to play out of frustration that the game mode I most enjoyed wasn't working.
I ended up spending the afternoon looking over forum posts. Eventually I found a few WoW forum posts where others were dealing with the same issue. It's a little technical to get into, but essentially an internet hop routing WoW traffic was hitting 100% packet loss. The worst part is that (at the time) there was no easy fix. The only viable option was using a VPN to reroute traffic.
I support some creators on YouTube, and so I decided to invest in ExpressVPN. It seemed like the other benefits made it worth the price. I got everything set up and it immediately fixed the problem and improved my performance. I was psyched, if not a little miffed that I had to spend some additional money to play.

The Auction House

That brings us to February 2, 2021. After scheduled maintenance I decided to get my Renown levels and get the World Boss out of the way. I typically try to knock out everything I can prior to the weekend so I can focus on trying to do m+ chest unlocks.
After completing this fairly quickly (I was really surprised how fast I was able to get everything done), I decided to log into some of my alts. I recently cleared out my main character's bank, and was surprised how much I was making off of items that have been sitting unused for a few years. I knew my alt banks were a hoarding nightmare, so I decided to AH as much as I could.
After clearing a few alts I logged into my rogue, who is my oldest character. His bank was very small, and only had a few materials. He did have some BoE greens, and I was surprised to see that the first two each went for around 200g. As I moused over the remaining items in my bank, I landed on a green shirt the add-on listed for:
Wait what? No no. That can't be right. There's no way. This is a bug. I'm being trolled.
I was so thrown off guard that I ran to the Auction House. No mount, no Sprint, just running barefoot fueled by anxiety. 800k? What would I even buy? How much does property in Orgrimmar cost anyway? That's where the real wealth is. Land!
I've never clicked the Auction House NPC to hard in my life.
I searched for it. "T-H-U-K". No, that's not right. "T-H-U-G S-H-I-R-T"
There's no way.
Oh, holy shirt. It is real.
I posted everything I had. For a moment contemplating equipping the shirt on my Hunter. Finally feel like one of the 1%.
But no, we have to see if someone will buy this.
I spent the rest of my play time that day going through around seven characters. I think I posted around 200 items. Years of work hoarding things. Thinking "I will definitely use this one day. I shouldn't sell this. I might need it."
After that I logged off for the day. I was excited to see what would sell. It also felt good to finally get in the good habit of selling things instead of condemning them to the reagent bank for all eternity.

Being Banned

It's around 10AM on February 3. I had taken care of my morning real life obligations, and I was ready to be rich. Filthy rich.
I noticed a new icon next to the "Play" button on the Blizzard app. A large blue "no symbol" glared at me. Maybe Blizzard is using this to communicate something important to players.
Nope. Not that. Something much worse:
Oh, look. It's the worst thing.
My first thought, absolutely, was that I had been hacked again. Flash backs to being naked at the Dalaran mailbox. Oh god, the shame. The cyberbullying and the shame.
But I can still click "Play". Maybe it's a bug. A horrible horrible bug.
The exact opposite of \"cool\"
I went to the email associated with my account. After clicking all of Gmail's wonderful tabs I finally found something:
Game Account Name:
Account Action: Account Closure
Offense: Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs (Hacks)
This account was closed for use of unauthorized cheat programs, also known as hacks or bots. These programs provide character benefits not normally achievable in the game and detract from the integrity of the World of Warcraft game environment.
The account holder is responsible for all activity on the account. We issue suspensions and closures to protect our players and our service in accordance with our Blizzard EULA: and WoW Terms of Use:
We don't take this decision lightly. Our team issued this closure only after a careful review of relevant evidence. Our support staff will not overturn these closures and may not respond to appeals. For information, see our article:
In some cases, these actions happen when a third party compromises an account to sell gold or other in-game property. If you believe your account was compromised, please follow these important instructions:
Thank you for your time and for understanding.
Customer Service
Blizzard Entertainment
This wasn't like my experience in 2010. This wasn't a temporary ban to stop a gold seller. This was a legitimate account closure. What really struck me about this email was how confident it was about my guilt. I was immediately struck with a sense of hopelessness.
I mean:
We don't take this decision lightly. Our team issued this closure only after a careful review of relevant evidence. Our support staff will not overturn these closures and may not respond to appeals. For information, see our article:
So, that's it? I'm banned and that's it? I want to highlight exactly what made my heart sink again, because I will come back to it later:
"Our team issued this closure only after a careful review of relevant evidence. Our support staff will not overturn these closures and may not respond to appeals."
Now, I've been broken up with a few times in my life. It hurts, and it really hurts in writing. I've learned as an adult (by being a real bitch as a kid) that you have to let people go when they want to go. Pleading and begging don't solve relationship problems. Believe me.
So when I read this, it felt like a clean break. One of those "It's not me, it's you because you hacked the video game" situations.
I sat for a while, staring blankly at the screen. My account is about to turn 15 years old. I've been playing this game my whole adult life (on and off, even some of the much maligned Panda Expansion).
Nope. Not giving up. I didn't do the thing I'm banned for. I actively report bots. I tell people "Thanks" after Mythic dungeons and tip rogues for opening lockboxes. I'm one of the good guys.

Appealing a Ban, WoW Forums and The Waiting Game

I followed the link of my ban email and was greeted with this:
TFW You want to click \"No\" out of spite.
To say that navigating Blizzard's support website is confusing is an understatement. Look at how many games and apps are supported by this website. I spent a few minutes clicking around.
I have to make this disclaimer: At the point I was navigating the site, I was still convinced that I was hacked. I was in a state of shock and a little panic clicking. So take my critique of their support site with a grain of salt.
Here's my appeal. Not my finest work:

I know, and if you play World of Warcraft, you know, that tickets take time. Typically you can spend this time playing the game, waiting for an item to be restored, or waiting for feedback on a bug or issue you've encountered.
Not with this, though. Being banned and waiting on an appeal is rough.
So of course I anxiety spiraled. What could I have done? Why would Blizzard think I'm hacking or botting. Do I have any software on my computer that might falsely trigger my ban.
Oh, god. The VPN. No way, that suggestion was posted on the forums. I'll just search some key terms. That can't be it.

Where's that \"Did you find this article helpful?\" button?
This forum response and the replies on the thread did not give me a sense of relief. What I gathered is that, for the most part, player's experience being banned for VPN use, and Orlyia's statement did not match.
What also stuck me was another example of what I'll call "guilt reinforcement". While I understand that players who cheat will inevitably also lie, for those of us looking for information on appealing a ban, making me feel like I'm a suspect doesn't help. In fact, it definitely discourages honest players caught up in a ban.
Additionally, before I move on I wanted to highlight the following post and response:

Let's just close this one. I feel like we've made ourselves abundantly clear, you cheaters.
This thread of Janury 2019 is one of the few "official" Blizzard results when searching "VPN Ban". It is a little shocking to see an honest response from someone who liked your game enough to get another account after being banned, play it to max level, go on the forum, and post a story related to the topic, just to get the thread locked.
Yes, I do understand that this is an anecdotal story, and yes, we don't know all the details, but for someone looking for some insight to assist their appeal, this just looks threatening and dismissive.
There were some positive replies to the thread, and it was enough to get me worried. Maybe I wasn't hacked. Maybe it was the VPN.
So I updated the appeal. If you've read this far you probably know it won't be the last time.
I related the story of Vyve, and how at the time I couldn't play without using ExpressVPN. Use discount code "Bannedforhacking69" at checkout.
No, don't do that.
I won't bore you (if I haven't already) with the other anxiety driven forum reading I did that day. I ended up amending my appeal several time. I found a few posts talking about bans, and saw a lot of discouraging community feedback. A lot of people dismissing posters, or outright accusing them of being guilty and using the forums or reddit as a way to get out of a legitimate ban.
I understand. Like I said, cheaters lie. I get it.
I asked around on a few of the WoW discord channels I use. A lot of the same. No real firm responses, no real experience, and a lot of being accused of guilt.
Totally discouraged, I came here. I found some interesting stories about being swept up in a ban wave. Very similar email after the ban, but not exactly related. Stories of Druids spending hours legitimately farming herbs banned along with all bot Druids doing the same.
Nah, that's not me. I didn't do anything that a hacker would do. I didn't do anything a bot would do. I didn't post 200 auctions including a shirt worth 830k gold.
Fuck. I did do that.
So yeah, I did this:
What about this? Does this get me unbanned?
The next morning I was still banned with no response. I read online that the typical response time was between 24-72 hours, so I wasn't in a total panic. I tried to keep my mind off of it, but during my normal morning WoW time I could resist refreshing my email, refreshing my ticket, going on the forum, and bothering people on Discord.
After lunch I saw an alert on my phone:
Just send me a scanned picture of your town's Mayor holding up a picture of your butthole.
I try not to exaggerate my circumstances, but this did feel a little "prove the hostage is real". But ok, fine. I'll do it. I'll show you what you want, I just want to be free.
It dawned on me shortly after that moment that I do not, in fact, know where you get a newspaper "of the day". Are Newsies still a thing? Do they still sing about dreams of moving to Santa Fe?
I ended up calling the local newspaper office. And, even though telling you that is a little embarrassing, what's more embarrassing is that I was put on holding after asking "Where can I get a print copy of today's paper?" for about 5 minutes. It took a team of people to tell me where to buy the paper.
So I did it. I felt like a fool, but I did it. I sat in my car and took a picture of my ID on top of the paper:

Artist's Rendering
I tried submitting on my phone in the car. I thought maybe if I did it quickly, I could get unbanned before the weekend.
Unfortunately, this is where my issues with the ticketing system begin. On an android phone (Hello, fellow kids), trying to log into Blizzard's website with the phone authenticator doesn't work. I tried desperately a few times to no avail.
So inevitable I had to upload the pictures back on my computer.
FYI When you upload images or other files on an open ticket, there is no indication on the ticket that images have successfully uploaded.
So far, this is my biggest complaint about the whole process. After added images to my ticket and hitting submit, I could see no indication that they were sent. During a normal Customer Service call, the tech could verify that it worked, but without speaking directly to a person, and essentially having a GM as a pen pal, I had no idea if I did it correctly.
I just had to wait.
That felt especially bad when you consider what appears on the email and not on the ticket on the website:

And that final update will be \"lol still banned\"
I have general feeling about this experience, and how a normal player trying to solve an issue is treated as if they are guilty, but this is probably my only technical process complaint. The time spent waiting, especially when innocent is tough, but not being able to see if your images are uploaded is pretty unacceptable.
It would be as simple as adding it to the messages on ticket. This would have made the next 24 wait a little easier.
The next morning I received a response. I am, in fact, not a smart man, but I did successfully show a GM my weird face on top of my local newspaper.
I should have expected this, but I did not:
Hi there
It's GM Verdaniih here, I hope you're doing well today!
Thanks a lot for getting back on this with the ID requested.
I have now escalated your case up for the ban to be reviewed. This can take a couple of days to be done though especially with it being almost the weekend.
As soon as I hear back on this though I will update you on the situation.
I really hope that this has cleared things up for you and that the rest of your day is awesome! :)
Best wishes
I thought, well, that this was the review. Guess not. This piece was a let down, honestly. It was Friday and I knew in my heart of hearts that I wasn't going to hear anything all weekend. That sucks.
Also, oddly, the ticket was marked as "Resolved" again. I think one thing that would really help the appeal process would be a bit more insight into what a "resolved" ticket means, and what each step of the process will look like. If the GMs are going to give an authentic response, I think that's great, but I'd like to know more specifically that this will change the status of the ticket, and that my next update will be via email.
Which did eventually happen because of course I reopened the ticket to say thank you. Yes, I am that kind of person. I do reply to "thank you" emails with "no problem". That's just who I am.
I'm glad I did though because I got this response on Saturday.
Good day,
Thank you for reaching out today with your concerns. We truly appreciate your patience as we've investigated and addressed your ticket.
I definitely understand the concerns regarding the recent action on your account. I want to share with you that the details regarding your account and the action applied to it have been escalated up to our Hacks Review team to look into. As soon as we hear back from them pending their investigation, we will contact you via email with their verdict. Please note that a response may take a few days.
Thank you for your time and patience.
Ok, number one. I have never shown patience in my whole life, but I appreciate it. Two, this email hits a little closer to the information I wanted. It would have been nice to read the following:
  1. We got your ugly picture.
  2. After I laughed at it, showed it to four other people who also laughed and one person who legitimately feels bad for you, I sent it to the "Hacks Team" which is probably just one person, and he doesn't work weekends or really on Friday so LOL go play Hearthstone.
  3. I "Resolved" the ticket which didn't actually resolve the issue. if you reopen the ticket some other guy is going to see your ugly picture and laugh, tell you the same thing, and "resolve" it again. So stop please.
  4. Once Ricky "Hacks Team" McGillicuddy takes a look at it, he'll shoot you an email.
I am going to post this without a resolution. As of Monday, February 8 I have not yet received any response.


(See update at top for TL;DR of the ticket process)
submitted by NaClx to wow [link] [comments]

[Chronicles of Elyria] People paid $10k to be kings and queens in a failed crowdfunded game; lead dev still pretending he’s ‘working on the game’ after closing the studio and laying off all staff.

 Remember, Remember, the 5th of NoRender... 
I am surprised there aren’t any posts about Chronicles of Elyria on HobbyDrama yet! The community was so rife with drama from start to finish that I don’t even know where to begin.
Throwaway because I will probably be doxxed if I post on my main.

What is Chronicles of Elyria?

Chronicles of Elyria was pitched as a Kickstarter in May 2016 as a dynamic MMORPG with procedurally-generated quests, a fully destructible environment, closed economy, finite resources, and survival elements. The goal was $900k, but they made about $1.3 million in the initial campaign, and through their subsequent crowdfunding efforts made close to $8 million total over the next few years.

What went wrong?

In terms of lofty ideas, Chronicles of Elyria was right up there with Star Citizen, but with a fraction of the funds. We’d be here all day if I went into detail about all of the game’s proposed features, because it’s like they were trying to be Crusader Kings meets medieval life simulator meets Harvest Moon meets survival game meets action RPG all at once. Browse through their Developer Journals; even without a background in game development, it’s clear that the scope of what they were trying to pull off would have been ambitious for a major studio, let alone a small crowdfunded team.
The game’s initial release date was a laughably unrealistic Q4 2017, so it was no surprise that this would get pushed back again and again over the course of development. However, on March 24, 2020, lead developer Caspian made an announcement that rocked the community: State of Elyria: Into the Abyss (autoplay warning). In his typical long-winded fashion, Caspian spent the bulk of the post outlining the milestones the team reached over the past year, but only in the last few paragraphs did he mention that due to financial stressors from COVID-19, they ran out of money and had to lay off the entire team, shuttering development of Chronicles of Elyria. Because of several factors I’ll cover in the next few sections, the community did not take this well. In less than two weeks, the Washington State Attorney General’s Office reported they had received over 150 official complaints against Soulbound Studios, the most they had ever received for a company in that amount of time. Community whales formed a 'CoE Lawsuit' discord and discussed plans for a class-action lawsuit, demanding accountability and refunds. Some of them even pledged over $20k on the game, and they weren’t going to let Caspian cut and run.
Amidst threats of legal action, on April 9 Caspian dropped another blog post, A Letter from Soulbound Studios to Our Community claiming that the March 24 post came from a “very emotional place.” He said that the community misinterpreted his intent, and that he was actually trying to communicate that he was still working on the game while looking for ways to secure additional funding. As you can expect, this was just as poorly-received as his last announcement.

Wait, why did people spend so much money on this game? And how did the drama get so spicy?

By its own design the game stirred up drama even before release. With social stratification based on medieval feudalism literally built into the system, there was no way around it; the developers cheekily called it the “Dance of Dynasties.” There were multiple tiers of "pledges" and if I’m remembering correctly, the prices after the kickstarter were $500 for a Mayor title, $1000 for Count, and $3000 for Duke. The most coveted were of course the King/Queen titles, which had people shelling out a whopping $10000 for the chance to be royalty in an unreleased game. Even with the limited supply (6 kingdom slots per server iirc), these kingdom packages sold out all but one server. A few monarchs even purchased TWO kingdom slots to guarantee their supremacy on their chosen server.
It’s very difficult to overstate the cult-like mentality of the community during the “peak” years of 2016-2018. There was an official CoE discord server where the developers frequently engaged with players, but most of the drama happened in what were called the Discords of Elyria. These were community-run discords for individual kingdoms, duchies, counties, towns, and baronies. Each had their own cliques of ‘advisors’ and elite roleplaying cabals.
No, ‘elite roleplaying cabals’ is not an exaggeration; these people were spending thousands of dollars for a title to justify RPing as nobility to lord over the peasant rabble. This attracted a lot of entitled narcissists; the game’s structure practically encouraged it! I’ll give you an anecdotal example: I was really active within a kingdom discord and was eventually appointed as an advisor (the equivalent of what a guild officer would be in a normal MMO). This title was almost useless until release, so it was mainly just a glorified clique with a secret discord channel where we would theorycraft and talk shit about people we didn’t like in the kingdom. But I was the only one on the advisory council that did not possess a noble title, and a Countess kicked up a big fuss about this. Just like the real-life aristocracy, she was scandalized! Wording it in an RP-appropriate way with paragraphs of purple prose, she claimed that the $60 I pledged to the funding of the game wasn’t enough to prove I was fully committed. She and her cronies were so bothered that they tried to get me off the council. They went around DMing a bunch of people, accusing me of being a spy because I used to RP with some guy that left for a rival kingdom, and dredged up screenshots of year-old discord posts as proof my conduct was “unbecoming” of a representative of the kingdom.
There’s a saga behind that story and many others; I can absolutely go into more detail in another post if enough people are interested in the byzantine “Dance of Dynasties” and the inter- and inner-kingdom drama that went down during the development of this beautiful disaster of a game… and developer involvement in said drama. If you want to waste several hours of your life, there is plenty of RP cringe archived on the read-only forums. For now, that’s just a small slice to help illustrate how detached from reality and cult-like this community was. Going back to the downfall...

Early Red Flags

As I alluded to, there were already red flags when the game was first pitched on Kickstarter. Despite hitting the initial $900k and going well into their stretch goals, the devs were still encouraging players to crowdfund long after the Kickstarter ended. There were several additional promotional events (somewhat outdated post that doesn't include everything) selling both cosmetic items and mechanically useful items, despite the developers going through hoops to justify over and over again why the game was not pay to win (it was). Eventually, the constant promotions and gamey tactics prompted community members to question why we were seeing more promotional events than development updates.
The devs then admitted that the original Kickstarter campaign was meant to raise enough to be able to create a demo to attract investors and secure a stream of income that didn’t rely on crowdfunding. Unfortunately, no investors took a gamble on a risky debut from an inexperienced team, and despite Caspian making a few weird statements on Discord and implying they had “other sources” of funding that they did not have to divulge to the community, he too later admitted that they were relying solely on crowdfunding to make this game work.
Well, this news was a departure from their previous claim that all they needed was 900k to develop the game for a Q4 2017 release, and that all funds would be used towards the development of Chronicles of Elyria. No one knew this was all just for a demo to attract investors, and people were justifiably upset.

The Community Begins to Turn

There was (and still is, last I checked!) a particularly loyal and obsessive subset of the community. At the slightest hint of criticism they’d quickly jump in to defend the game and devs. The community moderators were no better, and a lot of posts were censored or deleted from the forums. The developers had built up a sort of cult of personality with their over-involvement with the community. Despite a hilarious lack of transparency about the actual development of the game, they were… uncomfortably close to the playerbase.
Caspian complained about specific players on the official discord and publicly accused two kingdoms of cheating during a cheap browser event meant to (surprise) raise more money. A player made a post on the forums saying the community outreach manager should be replaced (he was known for being snarky and condescending). Said community outreach manager actually private messaged people that upvoted the post, basically saying “if you think I should be replaced, please don’t contact me if you ever need anything in the future.”
Yes, that came from the guy handling outreach.
The "Map Selection" event was rife with its own kingdom vs kingdom drama, but the devs weren't able to redeem themselves here. After months and months of delays for a map event, Caspian failed to deliver the high-resolution maps as promised on November 5, 2018, claiming they were taking too long to render.
"Remember, remember, the 5th of NoRender" became a meme and rallying cry across the community in reference to the constant delays and deception, to the point where people were banned just for saying it in the official discord.
Then there was the issue of Prelyria. Prelyria was the low-poly pre-alpha client of the game they were developing. Meant to be like a graybox, it became a lot more involved than that and seemed to eclipse the development of the “real” game. People felt they had been bamboozled when they looked back:
Pre-alpha video May 2016
Pre-alpha video September 2019
Some players with industry experience were pointing out that the amount of time the devs were spending on building the Prelyria assets and developing the low-poly client first (it was a lot more involved than a simple graybox) was actually going to be more cumbersome and definitely not save all the time the devs hoped it would. At this point, Caspian still looked like a well-intentioned idea guy with his head in the sky, and most people didn’t think he was intentionally scamming anyone. Personally, I believe Caspian definitely started out in earnest, but he spoiled his own vision with mismanagement and obfuscation.
Funding was always a touchy subject.
Despite first claiming they only needed $900k to finish the game, then saying no wait actually we need like $3 mil, Chronicles of Elyria raised almost $8 million in total and after 4 years in development had nothing close to a minimum viable product.
We later learned that $500k of that initial $900k came from Caspian himself. This of course was not disclosed until after the Kickstarter.
On March 20, 2020 (four days before the infamous Into the Abyss announcement), the devs released an exciting update claiming that Pre-Alpha Testing Has Officially Begun! Players that had pledged (iirc) $1000 or more now had access to test Alpha I! But excitement quickly faded as players realized this wasn’t really an alpha, but a 10-15 minute demo showing off movement and parkour mechanics and ONLY that. I didn’t have alpha access so I don’t know how bad the demo really was, and those who played it are still under NDA, but I heard it was terrible, and looked like something that could be slapped together in a couple weeks using Unity store assets.
Let’s look again at the timeline Caspian pulled out at the end of 2017 when he admitted the Q4 2017 release date wasn’t going to happen:
  1. V3 of the Website (Q3 2017)
  2. ElyriaMUD (Q4 2017)
  3. Alpha 1 (T1 2018)
  4. Server Selection (T1 2018)
  5. Settlement / Domain Selection (T2 2018)
  6. KoE (T2 2018)
  7. Design Experiences (T3 2018)
  8. Alpha 2 (T3 2018)
  9. Beta 1 (S1 2019)
  10. Prologue & CoE Adventure Toolkit (S1 2019)
  11. Exposition (S1 2019)
  12. Beta 2 (S1/S2 2019)
  13. Stress Test (Any paid account)(S2 2019)
  14. Launch (S2 2019)
By March 2020, the only milestones they hit were V3 of the Website, Server Selection in November 2018, and Settlement/Domain Selection (after a series of delays that included a period of radio silence lasting over 100 days, it began somewhere around Summer 2019 and never officially concluded).

The Downfall

Now for the big question I’m sure all of you have: why was it such a big deal when he announced they ran out of funding?
Indeed, projects are cancelled or become vaporware all of the time. While it's obvious Caspian and team were drowning in too many ideas and not enough tangible progress, why was this scummy enough to warrant hundreds of complaints to the AG and a class-action lawsuit?
About a week before the March 24 announcement, Caspian launched the “Settlers of Elyria” event. It’s hard to explain out of context, but basically all the unclaimed duchies, counties, and baronies were going on sale, and players could purchase them at reduced prices.
Yes, up to a day before he announced he laid off the entire team, he was allowing people to spend thousands of dollars on fake titles. Worse was the fact that this event was designed for new members of the community that didn’t have a chance to buy titles before or weren’t able to because of the prohibitive cost.
Illegal? Maybe not. Fucked up? Absolutely. This, combined with Caspian taking a PPP loan right afterwards painted a damning portrait of a man squeezing every last penny out of this failed endeavor before he ran.
Caspian kept the official discord open for a couple days after announcing the shuttering of the studio, but on March 29, he “fired” all of the community mods and deleted the discord, claiming that people were saying “horrible, unimaginable things” about him. There were rumors that he was cheating on his wife with a (much younger) community member. Apparently, a dev was corroborating these statements and providing receipts. Whether these awful rumors were true or not, Caspian’s reaction in the mod forum was nuclear.

The Future of CoE

After nearly six months of radio silence, a few days ago on December 17, 2020, Caspian gave interviews to MassivelyOP and and released an “update” video that is a nothingburger rehash of old 'gameplay' footage and platitudes. He keeps saying that CoE is in development, but he has nothing to show. He keeps saying some of the staff have volunteered to work on it, yet based on their LinkedIn profiles it looks like most of the original team have found jobs elsewhere. He refuses to release the results of the studio’s audit. The new FAQ on the website is an obvious attempt to avoid lawsuits and in the two interviews he hilariously continues to extol his own transparency while being as transparent as a brick wall.
People are still able to find justifications for Caspian's actions and to this day are in the community-run discords and subreddit trying to keep the hype train going. Maybe it's a combination of Stockholm Syndrome and Sunk Cost fallacy, but a lot of people still maintain absolute trust in his vision. I personally did not invest a significant amount of money (but I did waste my time, RIP), but it's still as saddening as it is maddening. Yes, those "Dance of Dynasty" posts on the forum might be cringey now, but people put SO MUCH creative energy and passion into coming up with lore for their kingdoms and duchies and towns and such, and despite being a skeptic for most of my time with the community, it was an incredibly unique experience to be part of this group. I just wish they would move on; put that energy into something productive and not waste it on a failed game. Caspian used them and he will continue to use them if people keep giving him a platform.

EDIT: added more links
EDIT2: Obligatory "wow I didn't expect this to blow up!" but I really didn't! Thanks for the gold x2!
submitted by elyriaThrowaway45 to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

[Role Playing Games] HERO and how two ladies destroyed something great

Hi all, long time lurker first time poster, i hope this isn't too Internet drama for this place.
Generic background: Hero is a universal toolkit generic roleplaying system, meaning it's designed to build characters for any genre thst are mechanically balanced with each other. Think spending points for stats instead of. Levels. You can just as easily create Darth Maul as you could Dot Warner. Its GURPS (the generic universal roleplaying system) with more math and an eye for balance.
The game also has a long association with superhero and anime genres as the system system is based on their original 1981 game, the superhero RPG Champions. The Champions universe was super popular in the 80s and early 90s. In fact at one stage the game owned and published comics based on their Champions intellectual property (characters, universe etc.) causing marvel to lose a trademark dispute with the company.
Its also notable for being the system that the Global Guardians play by email (94-2006) roleplaying community and website used. This was the longest running, and at one point largest, PBEM to exist in the world. Its membership numbers would seem quaint now, but it was a big deal for roleplayers, computer nerds, comics fans, and math heads who were into other games besides DnD.
During the mid nineties the company fell apart, lost market share to other games because of poor decisions like releasing a poorly recieved collaboration using the FUZION (a rules litw system, which was antithetical to the crunchiness HERO stoos for) system. The company collapsed and all its IP was bought by cyber games in 2000.
The forums, already poorly maintained became an absolute disaster usability wise, and the already dwindling community of hero loyalists became ever more resentful. Cyber games coildnt do mucj as the money wasnt there to make forums a priority.
A year later big name fan Steve Long and his business partners bought the rights themselves as the company DOJ. They created a (well regarded) 5th edition of hero, completely restructured the forums and created some objectively awesome, well researched, genre guides for different styles of games.
Becsuse of this return to relevance and quality lot of people discovered or rejoined the main hero community back on the official boards.
The drama: The new influx of posters included a poster called Rachel, who quickly became a power poster and beloved forum regular. So, in 2003 she invited her wife to join in on the forums.
The forums, while mixed politically tended to lgbt accepting politeness so they got on well and Kara became a star; regularly posting more and more popular content than the missus.
Over the course of the years they slowly revealed more about themselves and also became messenger buddies with some of the other posters off site.
They revealed (in no particular order here, sorry.) that:
They'd been married for years
They had a couple of doner kids together.
That Karas real name was literally Kara Zor El (supergirls kryptonian name) , because her parents were hippies.
A couple of really attractive pics of themselves. But never pics of them together.
Over time Kara became a sterotypical genki girl who flirted outrageously and got gifted a supergirl version of this gif as an avatar. Rachel became the serious TM lesbian.
Now, why did nobody notice this obvious catfish? Well...
  1. Some did im private and shared their concerns with the webmasters, who decided not to intervene as this was a roleplaying site and no harm, no foul.
  2. They were non trollish members in good standing and provided good content.
  3. The company was in its early stages of trying to move away from neckbearding, tits or gtfo, and LGBT rights not only being for people playing werewolves and vampires. They were good optics for a fragile game.
  4. Remember this was happening around the birth of web 2.0, Harlan Ellison had yet to do the first big outing of an Internet catfish and the MTV show wasnt even a poorly made documentary yet.
  5. And the most important reason, the owner of the Global Guardians PBeM personally vouched for them as long standing members of his (incredibly important to the games culture and survival) community. He was also a very defensive LGBT ally who campaigned unsuccessfully to have the new books use gender neutral pronouns for players. Claiming that they were lol accounts for someone clumsily playing sapphic superstars was a personal affront to him and other big name fans.
Where it all falls apart: As said, Kara and Rachel had become close confidants for people off site, and as people do some posters started shsring the deep and meaningfuls about things incliding money, affairs, divorcing their spouses and, for me personally, coming out etc., obviously the things they shared back were fake and that engendered suspicion from a poster friend of theirs who was in deep with them.
In 2005 he dug around on their photos (when tineye was in its infancy and before google made reverse image search.) and revealed thst they were both from amateur porn models.
The girls stopped posting.
Global Guardians guy got griefed and grilled about his involvement with them and it was revealed that he had never met them physically in the years of knowing them, but had met their cousin Fred (who posted infrequently on the hero boards) somewhat often as he was also a prominent member of the PBeM. Fred then disappeared off the boards too. Board sleuths compared writing samples and claimed that the mod had shown ip addresses to them privately confirming Fred was the three of them.
Grief and thread after thread spammed the forums as this drama unravelled. The company made official statements, nerds got to say I told you so and the people genuinely hurt cried together.
*So? This is just forum drama, right? *
Well, thats what we all thought. It was a dumb catfish that went on too far and too long, Well, no. When Kara, Rachel and Fred went silent they all dropped out of the Global Guardians and that created a crisis. This is because in early Internet websites were expensive to maintain privately on such a large scale and Fred had been a significant donor. The Global Guardians scrambled for financing but couldn't raise enough capital and were forced to close their doors in 2006. The grand old dame of HERO was gone, and with it the history, reach and support of that community went too.
Today: DOJ was approached to use their IP to create a superhero MMORPG, it wasn't popular at all. They released a controversial 6th edition which didnt pull people back, and the company restructured with the CEO et al., Being turned into freelancers. Did the lesbian role play hurt the company? Well, some bitter Global Guardians believe losing such a large fan base so suddenly didn't help. Others think, no, competing against City of Heroes was a stupid isea or that games like Mutants and Masterminds were more user friendly. Still others pay no mind, and enjoy playing one of the few games from the 80s still supported.
submitted by TheColorWolf to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

Here is a summary of every episode of "Konosuba!" by someone who knows nothing about anime.(Spoilers...duh)

A little backstory, I never watch anime. I've willingly watched Pokémon, Space Dandy, “My Roommate is a Cat”, and that is about it. A few years ago my friends made me watch Darling in the Franxx, and I was so disturbed and confused by it that after every episode I sent them what the hell I thought I just watched. I made a post on /anime, with these descriptions, and everyone loved it. I was bombarded in my DMs by weebs begging me to watch their favorite animes and do a similar summary for them. Well it is 3 years later, and I was convinced to watch another anime. A quite popular anime that I was told was “about a guy surrounded by pretty women in an MMORPG that wasn’t Sword Art Online”. This anime was Called Konosuba. With Franxx I was confused and disturbed. With Konosuba I was annoyed by basically every single character in the show, along with confused and disturbed but I’ll let my summaries go into detail. (For the record, this summary may come off harsh, but I did enjoy it more than DitF. Though thats not saying much.)


aka: “If You Want Your Anime Waifus To Be Real, Literally Just Fucking Kill Yourself - The Anime”

At this point I make this meme that gets removed by the /anime mods because its a meme, but it is how I feel about the animes I have watched so far.

  • Episode 6: A Conclusion to This Worthless Fight! - The bad guy actually kills people, which (you guessed it) makes blonde knight horny. Again. Aqua is the LEAST useless one in this episode, kills the bad guy, resurrects the dead, but I still don’t care about her. I actually liked this episode because shit actually happened.
  • Episode 7: A Second Death in This Freezing Season! - I waited too long between episodes and forgot what happened so far but I guess main dude is dead again. FLASHBACK EPISODE!! At some point the girls say “Kazuma” and he says “thats my name” so I guess I know his name now. Anyways Kazuma goes out into the snow with the naked waifu crew and then he dies. He meets an actually nice goddess and is happy but then Aqua resurrects him, all while being a bitch to the nice goddess and makes her cry and then the episode ends. If you cant tell I don’t like Aqua nearly as much as I expected to. In fact I have no idea if I like any of these characters. I guess Megamind has been more like a lovable doofus than annoying, kinda like she is the Launchpad McQuack of the crew.
  • Episode 8: A Loving Hand for Our Party When We Can't Make It Through Winter! - After saying Megamind was the only tolerable one she is barely even in this episode. They meet up with a Lich who turns out to be another general of the devil king but they don’t care because boobies. Kazuma slaps Aqua a lot when she is being a bitch to her which makes me laugh. They go to a house for a scooby doo adventure, Kazuma has to pee in the middle of the night, which I can relate to except when he does it he doesn’t send unsolicited texts to his girlfriend and make her mad at me for waking her up for stupid shit that isn’t even readable because I’m half asleep when writing it HOW ABOUT YOU PUT YOUR PHONE ON SILENT WHEN YOU SLEEP IF MY TEXTS BOTHER YOU SO MUCH. Megamind and Kazuma watch each other pee which is fucking weird. In the end, turns out everything was Aqua’s fault. Again.
  • Episode 9: God's Blessing On This Wonderful Shop! - Horny strip club episode. Kazuma visits a place that will let you experience any wet dream you want, and like any anime/video game nerd the LITERAL first thing he asks is if he can fuck someone underaged. Then there is a scene where he literally Harvey Weinsteins the blonde knight. This was uncomfortable as FUCK to watch. I literally saw no point in this episode. That is ALL that happened. If they are trying to encourage Kazuma x Blonde Girl as being “the ship” then starting it with a fucking almost-rape scene was horrible. Also with this show’s amount of child nudity I feel worse than if I was watching an episode of Big Mouth. There I said it. You were all thinking it too.
  • Episode 10: A Final Flame for this Over-the-top Fortress! - Makes up for the last episode because shit actually happens again, and there wasn’t an almost-rape scene thrown in. A giant invincible spider robot shows up, and the theme song plays which means they are gonna win the big fight. Which they did within two seconds. The rest of the episode was everyone whining. Megamind saves the day by doing TWO explosions in one episode. WAOW. Kazuma got arrested because he teleported a nuke randomly into the world.
  • Episode 11: God's Blessings on This Wonderful Choker! - So I guess Kazuma getting arrested means nothing or HBO doesn’t know how to order the episodes (which I can believe because Billy and Mandy’s episodes are WAY out of order) but either way that plotline is completely gone. Megamind gets in a boob fight with another mage girl. Kazuma gets a magic necklace that is gonna choke him to death and surprisingly blonde knight doesn’t make a sex joke out of it. Kazuma immediately goes like “Im dying so you all need to let me creep on you and sexually harass you”. Like he literally shoves his dick in Megamind’s face. Reminder, she is like 14. Megamind reveals she puts up with his horrible shit because he is the only person willing to be her friend. Which is a terrible lesson. “Ladies, if a guy forces his dick in your face and steals your panties regularly and watches you change even though you are a child, deal with it if it means you will have friends”. She should just blow him up. Kazuma admits he only likes them for their tits and dies. Season finale I guess.
  • Episode 11? Again? What the fuck: Give Me Deliverance from this Judicial Injustice! - Kazuma is arrested again. New theme song, that actually is catchy. He stays in jail and ignores Aqua’s escape plans because they are dumb. The investigator tries helping him and he responds by turning into a huge dick. I hate him. Theres a trial where all the shitty things he has done in the show is brought up, but ultimately blonde knight saves him by offering to sleep with the prosecutor. All his assets get seized by the IRS then the episode ends.
  • Episode 12: A Friend For This Crimson Demon Girl! - CAT. Also the Megamind’s boob slap enemy from the “first episode 11” is back but everyone is acting like they never met her before so something must be out of order and now I’m gonna look stupid in this review. Kazuma says Megamind is a child, then immediately takes a bath with her. Cat plays with the lich’s boobs for several minutes. Megamind makes fun of the other girl for having no friends until she cries, then the episode ends. Oh and theres a 3 second clip of blonde knight getting raped in the middle of the episode that literally has no place being there and is her only appearance in the episode.
  • Episode 13: Peace for the Master of This Labyrinth! - Nothing happened. There was a dungeon and a simp who became a lich or something idk but Aqua actually was doing helpful things yet Kazuma was still a douche to her. Also Kazuma steals panties from random women again. Theres another scene of blonde knight in the middle apparently being raped but something tells me it isn’t actually whats happening they are probably putting her in a fancy dress or something and that will be the joke.
  • Episode 14: A Betrothed for This Noble Daughter! - Blonde knight was just getting put in a dress I was right that was the joke: HAHA SHE WAS NEVER RAPED HAHAHA GOTCHU FAKE OUT. She is betrothed to some royalty dude. Her cleavage is 90% of the screen in this entire episode. Kazuma is a dick this whole episode, again, by trying to get rid of her even though she is literally sacrificing her life to save his. Blondie admits that she is only attracted to fat ugly jobless smelly anime nerds who are in debt and abuse her. When she reveals she isn’t all royalty-like, the noble dude says has a thing for kinky girls. So much shit happened in the last 10 minutes of the episode I’m too lazy to describe it all but I guess Kazuma and Blonde Knight got in a weird-as-fuck fist fight, got all horny with each other, she claimed she was pregnant with Kazuma’s baby to get out of the marriage, etc. I don’t even know what I’m watching. Lots of boobs though.
  • Episode 15: Servitude for This Masked Knight! - They go back to the dungeon from a few episodes ago because a devil king general took over it. He is just a sentient mask, and he possesses the blonde knight which arouses her... AGAIN. But she literally sacrifices herself to kill the demon possessing her. Thankfully Aqua can resurrect people constantly and with no limit which kindof beats the entire story element of any character being in danger. They save the day which gets all their debt wiped out and makes them rich. This seemed more like a season finale than the last one.
  • Episode 16: Goodbye to This Irritating Living World! - The mask guy from the last episode is alive but not evil now I guess. Nothing happens except they kill some lizards and I’m reminded how much I don’t like Kazuma. Its implied Megamind fucked Kazuma’s dead body at some point and ends with Aqua laughing at him for having a tiny dick.
  • Episode 17: An Invitation for This Knucklehead! - Filler episode, nothing happened besides Aqua cryed a lot over Rock Paper Scissors.
  • Episode 18: Sightseeing in This Pitiful City! - Wiz the Lich almost dies (er...un-dies?) and has a vision of hell that I think might be important later on. They go to a spa in a town that worships the goddess Aqua, yet nobody recognizes Aqua as Aqua herself, also they are all basically hardcore mormons/scientologists. Everyone is a dick to blonde knight because she’s catholic which is totally different than the Aqua-christianity. But everyone being a dick to her turns her on. Episode ends randomly, theres only like 2 episodes left so something tells me this show doesn’t have an ending.
  • Episode 19: A Goddess for This Corrupt Hot Springs Town! - Aqua is running confessions in the church so I guess I mixed up which religion was the catholics, I should have guessed Darkness was the mormon because she comes from a super rich white conservative family yet is horny as fuck and a sexual freak. Aqua legalizes both pedophilia and beastiality in her religion while at the same time telling them it’s wrong to be attracted to a goddess that isn’t her. Legal pedophilia is perfect for Kazuma because he immediately starts peeping on a naked Megamind at the spa. Nobody in the town believes Aqua is who she says she is and ironically hates her. An angry mob wants to kill her for impersonation in a cliffhanger ending.
  • Episode 20: God's Blessing on This Wonderful Party! - Episode 20: They escape the angry mob and decide they can gain trust by purifying the toxins that are in the hot springs. They find out its being poisoned by Wiz’s old teammate, who is another Devil King general. Wiz says she can get them out of a fight, but Kazuma challenges him anyways then runs away immediately. Wiz is apparently powerful as fuck. Another final battle where the theme song plays, and Aqua surprisingly saves everyone. Kazuma says “God bless this wonderful world” Then the series ends? Thats it? Like I know theres a special episode and a movie still but it said “thanks for playing” and ending by namedropping the show’s title usually is a series finale thing, and they didn’t even show the devil king let alone defeat him. This was my favorite episode up until that Game of Thrones-esque ending. At least other animes I watched actually have a fucking conclusion. This is like if Ash got his fourth gym badge and said “you know what, I’m done being a pokemon trainer now” and then goes home and the series ends.
  • Episode 21: God's Blessings on This Wonderful Work Of Art! - I guess this is a bonus epilogue-episode. Kazuma gets pussy whipped into fighting a giant robot that is obsessed with playing with darkness’s boobs. They find the journal of another japanese guy that was reincarnated into this world with the power to create anything he wants, and he immediately used his power to make an army of sex robots. He was the guy that made the giant robot spider from the season 1 finale I think? It wasn’t clear. After blowing up a doninatrix sex robot with dildo fingers, Kazuma finds out that the girl who he thought was interested in him was just being paid to pretend to like him so the big boobed quest giver lady could guilt him into more quests. He responds with the only logical way he knows: stealing both their panties. End series.
  • Movie: Legend of Crimson - Movie: So I guess killing three devil king generals, including the slime who “has the biggest bounty on his head ever”, wasn’t enough money because they are in debt again somehow. They all go to Megamind’s home village where Kazuma nearly gets raped by orcs and is saved by Yunyun (the other wizard girl with big boobs and no friends). We meet Megamind’s parents who are absolute psychopaths. She told her parents about all the creepy shit Kazuma does like how he looks up her skirt even though she is 14, but they don’t care because they think he’s rich and they openly want him to fuck her. A bunch of disturbing pedo shit happens the rest of the movie like Kazuma keeps trapping himself in the bedroom with her and trying to trick her into sex. Another devil king general shows up who is a big boobed tentacle futanari that tries to fuck Kazuma in the butt. She finds a weapon that gets rid of everyone’s magic and takes over Megamind’s crimson demon town. They find out that the japanese guy who creates shit from the previous episode actually created the entire crimson demon clan, along with a gun that is used specifically for killing this general, so they use it to kill her. However she comes back to life as a hybrid with the other killed generals as a giant fuckin slime knight frog? She admits she is only angry because nobody will love her, so Kazuma gets her to stop being destructive by telling her he is willing to fuck her, then he literally gets morphed into her cleavage. She stops destroying the town because she is happy that she feels loved. Then Megamind and YunYun blow her up. After that theres an actual wholesome scene with Kazuma and Megamind, but it doesn’t make up for all the loli pedophile rape-y shit I endured for 2 seasons.
So there you go, that is what happens in the anime equivalent of Big Mouth called “Konosuba”, which is about weeb nerds teleported into runescape so they can creep on naked underaged girls and still be crowned a hero. Note that I definitely got things wrong. I either fixed it in the next episode's summary or I didn't care enough about it being wrong. Like last time, I hope this episode guide is as entertaining to you as it was for me to write. I’ll see you in 3 years when I decide to watch another anime again.
submitted by TownIdiot25 to anime [link] [comments]

In-depth look At Mihoyo's History, misconception about Gacha gaming industry, and Genshin Impact's future

You Are The Real MVP - Why Genshin Impact Is The Real Game of the Year in 2020:
Hi all, I see there is a lot of anger and anxiety toward Genshin Impact due to the wide audience it brought to the table, as well as a lot of misconceptions about the gacha gaming industry. I am 40 years old and have been gaming for over 30 years. I have 300+ DAYS /played in World of Warcraft and recently, over 1000 hours in Path of Exile with popular build guides with hundreds of replies. I also have played just about every major hit of every era on every platform. I really want to tell you who Mihoyo really is, how the gacha gaming industry works, and what Genshin Impact's future looks like.
Mihoyo's History
In 2011, three college students from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (comparable to Cornell in America) released their first game, FlyMe2TheMoon. When they graduated in 2013, they used their own money to make the first Honkai game (released as Zombiegal Kawaii overseas). This game allowed players to farm gold coins to buy all weapons and gear, only spend real money to speed up progress and came with glorious two players co-op way ahead of other mobile games at the time. At end of the day, players just didn't pay money for it. When they took it to investors, they were laughed at and ridiculed by everyone. Nobody is going to pay money for this silly anime stuff! You guys don't know how to monetize a game! Both of these games are still available on App Store, feel free to download them to check them out!
In 2014, on the verge of bankruptcy, the team learned monetization model from Puzzles & Dragons, the first-ever mobile game to break a billion dollars, and released Honkai 2 with the same art style and gameplay. The biggest change was moving to the gacha model. The game became a top-10 grossing title in China, released to overseas market as Guns GirlZ - Mirage Cabin and Guns Girl - Honkai Gakuen. Mihoyo the company was born. Today, Mihoyo has over 1000 employees and pays them more money than titans like Tencent and Netease, and runs their office in the ultra-expensive heart of Shanghai business district. Despite Genshin Impact's smashing global success and player's thirst for more content, they gave many of their employees a full 8 days break, standard with the 10/01 Chinese national holiday, for the historic job they did with the global launch. They understand it is a marathon, not a sprint.
For Mihoyo, the most important metric for their title will always be LIFETIME REVENUE, and they do not abandon their titles. All of them are still available. Honkai 2 is still getting content updates six years after release, even if the game itself is nothing more than a piece of history for them at this point. Honkai Impact 3 hit an all-time high revenue month this year, still makes a few hundred million dollars a year in China/Japan, three years after release, and Mihoyo took every dollar they made and spent an unprecedented 100 million dollars on a mobile game we know as Genshin Impact. You can count on Mihoyo to treat its most ambitious title ever with love and care, but you must remember they will always prioritize LIFETIME REVENUE over any other metric, which is what successful companies do because it is the only way to make the product best in class.
Fate Grand Order - Genshin Impact's TRUE inspiration
In 2015, Fate Grand Order was released as a turn-based mobile JRPG, the first six months it scored just $100 million dollars, and was on the verge of sinking into irrelevance. Five years later, the game grossed 4 billion dollars and became the most successful PVE game on any platform since GTA 5. How did it happen?
Many say it is the fate IP, but the truth is fate's IP is nothing special in a sea of big IPs trying to make a splash in mobile and failed miserably, just ask Nintendo how their two Mario games performed, or Square about their countless Final Fantasy mobile games. 80% of the billion-dollar games on mobile are actually brand new IP's.
The biggest challenge for every PVE game-as-a-service is monetization. PVP games like League of Legends and Fortnite do not need huge content updates to stay fresh and can maintain much higher daily active user counts to sell cosmetics, make $5 per player, and still hit a monster year. Monetizing PVE games is much harder. Players simply run out of things to do and quit the game, no matter how quickly you can produce content. Games like Path of Exile and Warframe struggle to break 100 million a year in revenue.
PVP gacha games like Summoners War and AFK Arena can rely on whales dueling each other to force meta changes, and they grew into billion-dollar franchises in their own right. But Fate Grand Order had a different idea in mind, what if you design amazing characters that are truly desirable, and price them at a low gacha rate so it takes thousands of dollars for rich players to max out their box by pulling multiple copies? You are never going to have the player base of a Candy Crush, let's try to maximize our revenue ceiling from whales instead, and make players emotionally attach to their characters because they are so well designed. The rest was history.
While there are indeed many generous gacha games like Granblue Fantasy, Azur Lane, Dragalia Lost, etc, none of them are in Fate Grand Order's tier if you look at their annual numbers, not even in the same ballpark. Other multi-billion dollar franchises like Puzzles and Dragons, Monster Strike also follow the same concept of greatly increasing the limit of what a whale can spend on a PVE game to max out a character. And yes, we are talking about providing strong benefits for getting multiple copies of the same character.
The numbers have proved time and time again, that maximizing whale spending in a PVE game is far more revenue than maximizing the number of monthly card players.
Genshin Impact's Target Audience
Any product that tries to be everything for everyone is doomed to fail. Mihoyo has very clear audiences in mind:
And let's just say they hit it out of the park with the greatest launch in gaming history. Never before a game hit PC/PS4/iOS/Android with cross-play on day one in 100 countries, 13 text language and 4 fully voiced languages, never before a game hit top 5 grossing in China/Japan/US/Korea at the same time, I don't even recall a marketing campaign did so well across so many drastically different regions and cultures. The AAA graphics, sound, incredible polish, you don't need me to tell you why this game is amazing. But from the competition's standpoint, the launch itself was like watching a bronze player climb to grandmaster overnight, and the game's biggest strength. Far bigger companies, franchises, do not dare to even think about launching a game at this scale. Mihoyo released the failed Honkai 1 overseas when the company was on the verge of collapsing, they always punched way above their weight when it comes to global releases.
Make no mistakes about it, this was never meant to be a single-player AAA game or a direct Diablo 3 / Path of Exile / Warframe competitor. It was meant to be a game that converts PC/console players to gacha gamers, by casting a wider net than any mobile game ever. They only need a small percentage of PC and console players to change their behaviors. The rest of them can play for free or leave and it won't hurt them at all. The monthly card is designed as a super good deal (look, WAY cheaper than World of Warcraft $15 per month) to get PC/console players to spend for the first time ever, breaks down their "why pay for a free game" defense. Once they pay once, the pity 5 star is always just a few dozen more pulls away, let me buy another pack! Before you know it, monthly cards are converted to dolphins, dolphins are converted to whales. It is by far the strongest business model for a PVE game today, and people who are new to the genre won't know what hit them.
Genshin Impact has an excellent chance to end Fate Grand Order's reign as the #1 most successful PVE game on any platform since 2016, by the virtue of being on every platform, and the same version across all regions.
LIFETIME REVENUE = Active Player Base * Spend Per Player * Longevity
For every game as a service, balancing these three variables is an incredibly difficult task. Can Mihoyo increase the rate on an event (like Cy Games gala events), put up a Diluc banner, and greatly increase spend per player? Yes, but they will provide less reason for people to pull on other days and lose out on long term revenue.
Likewise, the resin limitation is to prevent even whales from maxing out their characters and moving onto other games, that is why they have a hard limit on resin refill. Player progression is meticulously controlled to ensure content can keep up. A huge part of internal testing is to test how quickly a player of each spending level can go through content. Two-day, three-day, seven-day, and thirty-day player retention are critical metrics to F2P mobile games, you will always lose a huge number of players during these transitional phases. These are tried and true methods in gacha gaming to preserve the maximum number of players over the long haul. It is basically a much more advanced progression control than say, World of Warcraft's weekly raid lock outs. You have to FORCE your players to take breaks, or you will lose them way faster than you can churn out new content.
All four dailies, spend resins, and open-world exploration for crafting/ascension materials, a couple of chests/quest you missed, that is a health 60 minutes of gameplay. Gacha games provide resources for the next pull on every daily, every quest, every event. Getting a five star is a better feeling than getting any item drop in MMORPG/ARPG. Gacha games have a much stronger hold on its players because of this addiction, you are always very close to the next pull! Genshin Impact takes it a step further to actually encourage you to do single pulls over ten pulls. Over time resources will inevitably be loosened up as more contents are released, and daily quests and slowed down progression is there to keep you playing.
Behind the scenes, there is an ultra-complex data model that works tirelessly to balance all three variables. Looking at Mihoyo's track record with Honkai Impact 3, they know what they are doing to maximize LIFETIME REVENUE. With every gacha game like this, the developer has a price point they need to hit on a five star, then based on the competition they usually adjust the price significantly higher than what they consider to be acceptable. Whether it is gacha rate or stamina, once you reduce the price, you can never, ever increase it again. Start high and drop it when you need to is a much better strategy, and players think you listened to their feedback, win-win! If the daily active user doesn't drop while you keep the price high, why lower the price? The developer and player are always in a tug of war, with the developer testing player's limit on what is acceptable. It is just like how Apple kept iPhone with 2GB of memory and tiny screen size for a very long time because they are looking at the overall LIFETIME REVENUE, not because they didn't know their product needed these features.
Genshin Impact is priced at a premium because it has no competition, just like how Apple iPhones were priced at an ultra-premium when it first came out. Over time, prices will drop, resources will come easier, but until there is a real competitor, they do not need to care what lesser gacha games do. Do you think KeQing should be priced the same as a gacha character with PS1 graphics?
Genshin Impact's Future
100 million dollars estimate from Sensor Tower in two weeks does not include PC, PS4 and Chinese Android. Chinese Android revenue has been 1.8 times of China iOS for Honkai 3, many in the Chinese gaming industry speculate the true global revenue number of Genshin Impact is easily double of what Sensor Tower shows. Mihoyo is a private company and it fired one of the employees who bragged about the 09/15 China PC numbers, which was 10 million dollars, so we will never know the exact figures unless they go public. Don't expect Mihoyo to ever share revenue/player base numbers, that is just not how they operate.
There is no way the game can continue the 100 million dollars a week pace, that is 5 billion dollars a year, so for haters out there, you will see a massive decline in the player base between content updates, you will see the game falling out of top 10 grossing, you will get your "I told you so" moments when the weekly revenue drops by 50-70%. It is perfectly normal for gacha games between banners, and what Gensin Impact is doing is completely unsustainable. This is called filtering out users and building a stable player base.
However, even with the inevitable massive decline, this is a game destined to be a multi-billion dollar franchise. I personally give it a very conservative estimate of two billion dollars in three years. It will easily outperform the likes of BOTW, Cyberpunk 2077, etc. by the end of the first year in terms of the player base, hours played, and revenue. It will take money away from all other gacha games and force other developers to step up their game. It will take money away from long-standing multi-billion dollar PC PVE franchises like Dungeon Fighter Online, and to a lesser degree, MMORPG's like FF14. It will encourage companies to play with bigger budgets and provide PC/console releases for bigger mobile releases like Diablo Immortal, instead of relying on emulators. It will even change the monetization model for western F2P games. Iksar, lead designer of Hearthstone has been playing Genshin Impact since release. Imagine if Hearthstone didn't allow you to craft cards, and provided benefits to getting multiple copies of the same card. It is way too late for Hearthstone to change now, maybe there is still time to change Diablo Immortal's monetization model, I believe they will need either gacha or real-money auction house to be competitive.
But will Genshin Impact shake up the AAA industry? My personal opinion is no. Japanese developers do not have the technology to make mobile games at this level, you just need to look at the top 20 grossing Japanse mobile games. Western developers do not have the artwork to make characters so attractive, I mean just look at Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 characters, will whales spend $1000 on them? Whales spend enough money in gacha to pick up girls in real life many times over, many of them are ultra-rich and live a lavish lifestyle, just showing anime assets is not enough to win them over.
In all of my years playing Western games I have never been attached to a female character as I did with Artoria aka King Arthur of Fate Grand Order, I played the game for six months even if I don't really like turn-based JRPGs, and always enjoyed listening to her "Excalibur". Mihoyo is coming very close with some of Genshin Impact's character designs. I am not sure if Western culture is capable of creating the type of characters that can connect with players on an emotional level. Lara Croft is definitely not it. I believe Western gaming's general pursuit of realism and grittiness hurts them when it comes to creating an idealistic world and dreamy characters. Top western games tend to expose the harshness of real-world to players, instead of offering an escape. In many ways, Mihoyo's mastery of anime is closer to a Japanese company than Chinese company, it is not something you can just hire a couple of artists for. Likewise, the western market will always be 15-20% of the overall revenue for gacha games at best, it is difficult for western companies to justify making them with a AAA budget.
It is also incredibly hard to make a cross-platform PVE game on PC, Console, and Mobile look this good. It is not something you get from just licensing Unity. There are maybe a handful of companies out there capable of dropping 100 million dollars on a game like this, but until their main cash cow die, which studio dares to take this kind of risk? The tier 2-3 companies are simply not capable of spending 100 million dollars even if they went all in. I don't see a real competitor in two years, not even from Tencent and Netease, the bar is that high.
How You Should Approach It As A Player
If you are not a fan of gacha games, no problem! The best way is to play it like a free AAA game with unlimited free DLC's. With the amount of money this game makes, in a few years it will have more content than any other open-world game, and the developer will also be more generous over time as end game contents become more abundant. As their tools mature, the amount of time it takes to release contents across all platforms at the same time will shrink significantly, there will also be more events they can queue up. Every F2P player can get at least one five star character without rerolling if they complete most of the quests and use up their gifted currencies. I expect 100% F2P players will get at least 4 five-stars per year, 3 from pity, 1 from luck. I believe F2P with limited resources is a lot more fun and only spend money to support the developer. I am still 100% F2P on Genshin Impact as of today, because getting 20 pulls from the monthly card is not that exciting. I will wait for a one-time-only deal later in the game's life cycle.
For players who want to be a bit more involved, you can buy a monthly card, do your dailies, enjoy new content, enjoy the thrills of pulls, and pity 5 stars. Once Mihoyo gets a stable end game loop out there, they will definitely loosen up on resins. Just don't expect to play it like a Path of Exile season start. Save currencies and pity timer for a banner you want. Take it slow! Gacha games are designed to be played over many years, alongside other games. Take your Cyberpunk 2077 break, take your Call of Duty break, but in the end, there is simply no anime ARPG competition on any platform, and if you are into this kind of game, you will be back.
submitted by hitmantb to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

Many of you already completed Cyberpunk. So what are your thoughts about all aspects of this game, and not just first impressions? Let's share our observations and impressions!

This game had a lot of controversial opinions during it's launch, but have you changed your mind now, when you already finished it? First impressions aside - what do you think of this game as a whole?
I will try to structure my feedback, starting with things i liked the most, and the first would be visual design.
This is probably my favorite ascept of the game. I am not a "city" person, usually i find cities so boring that in my life i am not leaving my home for many years already, cause outside world is a boring concrete jungle. Yet still Night City somehow managed to earn my attention, i was amazed at the amount of details gone into shaping the vision of this futuristic city. I spent many time walking around, and looking how technologies of 2077 changing the way people living their everyday city life. Funny enough - one of the places that impressed me the most were massive junkyard, located right at the exit from the city, and having the size of half of that city - it's just perfectly shows how much people of that age stopped caring about everything but their own lives.
But the city wasn't only beautiful thing in this world - there was also the citizens. To be honest, i do not remember any other game when i stopped to many times just to stalk some random pedestrian because of how good they look - even despite many people having some major injuries, it was still a great pleasure to look at them cause they had pretty faces, nice haircuts, cool augments or incredibly stylish clothing. People from the first district where we start the game have some really good tastes in clothing - cool jackets, colourful t-shirts, and especially cool that women were wearing mostly beautiful shorts, jeans or punky leather clothing instead of fancy dresses, heels or whatever else. In this game crowd finally stopped to be a faceless grey matter for me, and i was impressed about how many colourful individuals i have met during my journey. I wish people irl were that beautiful...
And it does not end on people. All cars have cool and various designs, promoutionals are fun and memorable, as well as all the fun little interior details. I believe that 3d modellers and concept artists have done the flawless job on this game, and exceeded any expectations of mine.
Now let's go over my second favorite thing - the story. Warning - it will be a spoiler territory. If you haven't finished the game yet, better skip this... and why are you even reading the post?
I have rather bittersweet feelings about it, because the potential was clearly there, and it had a lot of very enjoyable moments - yet still there is a lot of room for improvment.
Centering the story around Silverhand was probably the best choice they did, and it was worth starting over. I feel really envious seeing how the company agreed to that just because writer said it would make the story better. As a writer myself, that kind of trust from the boss is an absolute dream. Johny was the perfect companion - never gets in a way because he isn't real, always there to offer advice, mock or comment your actions, and his bitter, cynical personality were exactly what was needed to constantly remind player what Night City truelly is (and surprisingly i find myself thinking the same way he did most of the time). He were certainly a fun guy to have around, and i only wish there could be more of him - he isn't showing in many missions, and even has nothing to say about some key moments, like players' relationships.
Some other characters were memorable as well. I really liked "no polygon prepares you to die for some elevator" Takemura, he is a decent example of a good person who got in bad company and despite being brainwashed really hard, still managed to keep his strong personality. Judy was also nice - not only looking great, but also for having that chill, nerdy personality of someone who learned to not give a fuck about terrible things around her, but managed to keep the heart and creative spark, i can relate to many of her traits. And her reaction to one of the endings were so sincere that it was heartbreaking.
Overall champaign was... good, vibrant, variable, nicely scripted adventure. I especially liked them making 3 totally different patches to the ending - by the way, does anyone noticed that each of those patches represents one of player's starting backstories?
Street kid asks for help his friends from the city, and ends up doing more tasks in the city until the very end. Nomad drives away with the tribe. Corpo relies on the help of Arasaka. I wonder, if those endings were originally tied to the backstories? And what surprised me even more, is that instead of going the route of corpo=evil, Arasaka's ending are quite reasonable.
Also i really liked absence of happy ending, it was a story of big fuck up, and it teaches player that sometimes there is simply no magical solution to everything, and no matter how hard you try - in some situations "winning" are simply out of option. That is a very mature thing, and not many writers have the balls to pull it off..
But here is where positive things end, and come... backstories? Why not start with them. They are uberly short, and feel really meaningless. I played as Nomad, and none of the special replies related to my backgroud was ever useful or even gave interesting information or point of view. It also felt like i remembered about Nomad's life only in those short moments, otherwise being a street kid. My friend reported of even more terrible expirience - he was playing as a Corpo, but despite that his V were constantly swearing, using street slang, trashing corpos, and remember about his background only in those rare moments of additional reply that does nothing. It feels like only part of the game that really reflected your starting patch - was the final mission sequences, but even there you could just pick any.
Overall champaign was also super-short, and... terribly lacked some cool plot twists. Basicly, all that happens is:
V fail the heist. V searches for a way to save her life. The end. There isn't even any cool revelations, except for fact that Arasaka stored engrams of the people to study them... what a surprise! What corporation would refuse to collect such data? But that revelation felt... small. I supose writers were inspired by the Westworld, but even in that show getting know that entire park were built as a cover to copy personalities of the guests was... well, not exactly shoking, but a big news nontheless. Here - i barely noticed and just thought "it was excepted". And that was all, apart from the V searching for the cure with a bit of corporate betrayals in the background there is nothing more to the story...
... Except Johnny. His life's story, his redemption arc is what brings some real emotions and variety to this otherwise pretty straightforward story. But it also creates another problem - moving V to the background. To me this story was a lot more about Silverhand than about some mercenary i played the entire time. It felt like CDPR could not decide if V should had some kind of a personality like Geralt did, or should it be up to player to decide what kind of a person V should be, but... they ended up with not having any role-playing options to make your character unique, and in the same time gave V a very sterile, generic type of personality that simply does not stand out in any possible way - voice, character, actions - everything just screams "default protagonist". She\he does not feel like a person, and more like a tool to interact with the world.
It was especially painful during one of the endings: when V goes to digitalize, leaving body to the Jonny, for some reasons both V and Johny are acting like V is trying to commit suicide. Come on! What is the reason for me to come back to the body that will just die in few months, if i can live forever in the net? Hell, even if i wasn't dying, becoming an immortal being vs living short life in the world where i risk dying every single day? I would take the immortality please! Yet my damn character behaves like she is about to jump from a skyscraper, and so does Johnny. And then Johnny even gets bashed by everyone for the choice i very much wanted to make... what?
Forced emotional attachments were also terrible. Why the hell my V cares about Evelyn even after learning that she is a serial betrayer, who's attempts to double-cross 3 people at once has led to everything going wrong? And instead of facing consequences and helping to solve the mess she created, she chose an easy way out. Yet my V is acting like they were friends or something... Jackie is even worse. Since the prologues are fast-forwarded, you don't get to know him, he is just shoehorned into being your best buddy despite you barely knowing him. Bad writers using that kind of characters to dramaticly die somewhere at the end, giving player motivation to avenge them or something, but here they decided to not wait so long and do it right away. Seriously, when he started telling about his plans for future life i almost laughed at how much of a cliche and predictable was what is going to happen with him after.
There is also a lot of questions to the logic of the story. Oh, Saburo is dead, nobody believes me... Guess what, there is a thing called BRAINDANCE! Just record everything you saw and publish it goddamnit! Yes, they might be some kind of excuse of why that would not work, but none of the characters even suggested such an obvious thing to do. Also, can someone explain me, how such an important person as head of Arasaka, who somehow lived for 150 years (not without help of implants for sure) can be killed just by... choking? He never bothered to install any protection or alarms? It is very hard to believe.
Then, at some point of the story Hanako brags that "If Arasaka wants to find someone, it does just that". Really? Well, they wanted to find me. I wasn't even exactly hiding, constantly making a mess all around town. But it felt like they just forgot about me ever existing.
There is a thing about corporations: they described as an ultimate power in this world, yet you can raid them, you can kill their employees every day, but they do nothing about it. Militech being allied with the government of the country? Well, they are barely present. Arasaka being one of the most powerful corps? Guess what - same dude can come to their hq and trash it over, and over, and over again, and poor bastards cannot even stop the elevator he uses to go up. Why the hell corpos are so toothless in this world? They could at least sent the elite mercs who would hunt V around the world like Assasin's Creed did, but i supose they just enjoy being shit on.
Some moments felt incredibly rushed. Backstories is the first that comes to mind, but also remember the part after stealing the chip - V wakes up on the junkyard, Takemura finds her, calls Arasaka to report, then wakes V and offers a gun to shoot some dudes who attacking them (i didn't even realized it was Arasaka, from red implants i thought they were malestrem gang), then asks V to find the ripper, and next thing... is them having friendly conversation at the dinner. Only later, after re-thinking entire situation i understood that Arasaka sent killers after Takemura when he found V, so he decided to ally with V instead to take revenge, but damn, story could at least have some kind of detailed explanation of all those events instead of letting player assume things. By the way, almost same thing happens with Silverhand - after waking up and having a fight with him i go to the side mission and suddenly he showed up, acting like my friend, and V responded him in same manner. And only then i got to the dinner, spoke with Takemura and then made pece with Silverhand...But at least this is just a misplaced content, when in case of meeting Takemura it feels like part of the game were just cut out.
And, the last, but not the least - is the length of the story. I felt like epilogue or RdR2 was longer than entire Cyberpunk campaign... I know why it was done, but i do not agree with those reasons. You cannot make a good game by relying only on analyst's data instead of feelings of the players. And you cannot possibly please everyone in the world, no matter how hard you try.
Ok, the story mode is done, and it's time to talk about side missions, but before doing that i wanted to mention something else. It was no surprise to me when they changed the genre to action-adventure, when i saw the dialogues in very first demo i already knew this game will have nothing to do with the rpg (and then it also happened that mission shown were the only one where player's choice really changed something), but do you remember how this game were advertized? Let me remind you:
What have we got instead? Pretty much this:
There is only a few moments in game where your choice can do something. Usually any dialogue is "click to proceed, or click to bitch about it, and then click to proceed". Also even in areas where some choice is given, game simply disregards it: for example in the Clouds my weapon was taken away, so i choce to simply run past all guards because i didn't wanted to bother with stealh if i am fast. And in the end i was assaulted by man, claiming that i murdered every guard to get there... Dude, i just ran past them. Can we stop assuming things?
Now to the side missions. Some were really good, like conspiracy about Peralez family. Others - decent, i enjoyed chasing the serial killer, but still think that anime ID:Invaded did better work on this theme, since i hardly believe that anyone can have such realistic dreams. Mission about messiah was very fitting for such world.
But the absolute majority of them are just gloryfied fetch\kill quests. You go to the location where you need to kill someone or take something, listen to vague explanation of why it must be done, and proceed... if you did one gig - you did almost all of them. It feels like mmorpg, where quality was sacrificed for the quantity. And to make things even worse, missions are incredibly railed - for example, after doctor saved some ganger's life i tried to shoot him to see how she will react, but... game forbid me to use gun there. Also creators tried to fit so many references in, that sometimes they forgot to add an actual story, so the mission were just a big reference. Don't get me wrong, i love references, and i put a ton of them into my own game, but... there have to be limits, a place for your original writing, and not just meme after meme.
Execution of those missions are even worse. If you come to someone and ask them for something - item you need is already on the desk, like they are clairvoyants and prepared it before your arrival. Npc's that you need to escort just teleport everywhere instead of walking, so you can just jump from the roof to the car and your companion will be there. Most of problems in game solved by teleporting things - from infamous police, to the cars in racing - if you look at the radar you will see them constantly spawn behind you, and if you look back - they can even spawn ahead. I laughed really hard at the end of Claire's mission, when her car is just spawned few steps away from the crash side, because script demanded mission to end in her car
Also, what is that weird asset reuse? I had a mission later in the game that was set in very same appartment where we are saving girl in the prologue... and even the bodies of other victims were still there, fresh and in same positions.
I also feel really sorry for the fixers. Poor guys constantly call you to repeat very same thing - "you need to do something here, details is in your mail" in 50+ different ways. Probably the saddest role for voice actor to play.
Some quests had real disconnect between writing and game design. Quest giver is rich and are telling that you are getting incredible reward - yet sum that comes to your wallet is laughable. Viktor saying that you owe him 21k for eye implant, yet same thing but lvl2 costs 3k.
Another thing what bothered me - is that game seem to be undecided what to do with character's morals. You play as the mercenary, and mercs are rarely hired to do good things. Do you remember amazing mission from Shadowrun, where you have to deliver newest weapon, only to find out that it's using Orc's augmented body as part of the chassies and his brain as part of processing unit, while keeping his consciousness hostage inside his own body? And where you have a choice of either deliver him, or release him and let him suicide, losing the trust of your client and future missions with him (actual negative consequence for the player for doing something that is good, but not profitable)? Well, you won't find such missions here. Yes, there are few cases where you, for example, helping to chase away a good cop, or killing weapon's dealer only to find out that she did it because someone kidnapped her family member and forced her to work for him, but that is a rare ocasions. Most of the time you will feel like town's sheriff, saving people, killing really, really bad guys, etc. No moral dillemas, no questionable choices, just pull the trigger. And with all that comes the character's morale problems - it feels weird when in one mission we can do something really bad without second thoughts, and in the other V suddenly starts to complain about hurting civillians.
Then, we have gangs who are supposed to be big part of the game. But they are... not? Yes, you see them slightly more than corpo agents (except for the Vodoo boys), but the only role they play - is role of the punching bags. They do not conflicts with each other, they barely engage in firefights with the police in few scripted scenes, and they certainly give zero fucks about V murdering hundreds of their members (except for few situations from the story). They are almost as toothless and useles as the corpos, and even only real difference between them - is visual, otherwise they are just the type of enemies you will meet in specific district\mission. Idk, maybe it's an overexpectation, but i really wanted them to be something more, play bigger role in the global picture.
And, my final problem would be with notes. There is just too many of them. Seems like designers wanted for them to not only be scattered around the world, but each ganger around every point of interest having some kind of diary piece where some random conversation is written. Sometimes it's fun, like the one we finding on the roof of the church. But most of the time it was what i call a "word bloat" - text that is neither informative or entertaining, it is there just because that note needed to be filled, so it was filled with some generic and boring conversation, tech specifications or some other thing that is irrelevant to the player. As a writer, i have one important rule about in-game documents: if they do not give player valuable information, or if they do not decent entertainment value (a good story or joke to tell) - they should not exist. Cut content is better than shit content. But seems like people responcible for the dozens of documents about nothing that made me not want to pick up and read anything ever again thought differently. Idk, maybe someone loves such approach, maybe it will work to increase immersion. But i personally were really disappointed by the amount of useles text files in game.
At this moment only a huge, Witcher-like expansion will save side content in the game, and only if it will not be bloated by meaningless and boring things as well. I would rather see a lot less quests, but a lot more effort put into making them interesting and variable.
Ok, enough with the story. How about gameplay and world?
The life in game reminds me of some huge tapestry - if you just walk by it looks absolutly glorious, but if you stop just for a second to look at the details, you realize that they often do not exist at all. This is a normal part of character's "living their lives within a full day and night cycle" (not my words, but CDPR's from the trailer). And instead of placing such points somewhere far away from player's eyes, they... put it right in front of his appartment, so it was the first thing i saw when entered the open world. Genius desision. Especially if one of selling points of your game is immersion. In many story scenes, such as meeting Takemura in dinner it's hard to watch looped meaningless actions of npc's on background, dev's could at least edit their behavior in such scenes where player is intended to look at one place for a long time.
Talking about immersion... npc's can do only two actions when shots are fiered or card drives nearby - run or sit with hands above head. And if you look away, they will just despawn. Also, all the cars in game have only two options - "drive" and "stop if something is in the way". This is "The most believable city in any open-word to date".
Characters who perform some kind of a conversation are just standing there after it ends, and characters who are performing animation will most likely loop it forever (i supose the guy who tries to beat his cola out of vending machine is a modern Sisyphus, and RIP the guy who infinitly waits for his ripperdoc).
But from the writing perspective conversations between characters are well done, they often teach player interesting bits of lore (like most of the animals being extinct), and if you do not stay around them for too long they can keep on the immersion of living world.
Also, many animations in game tend to glitch a lot, resulting in such a hilarious things that i am not even mad about that and secretly hope those will not be fixed to produce even more funny content.
Police... now, police systems is a huge disgrace. All they can do is spawn around you if you kill someone (stealing seems not to be a crime here) even in the middle of the desert. If they cannot spawn behind you - they will spawn directly in line of sight. And... that's it. They do not even have cars to chase the player, so all you have to do to escape is simply run or drive away.
Remember this article?
When i read it i imagined us being chased by normal cops with patrool cars, then - with drones that would follow player on tall structures and reduce risk for the officers to get hurt, and, finally - by special forces that we saw landing in prologue mission. Guess what? That will be the only time you will ever see them land. And then, if all means fail to capture V, said "powerful npc's" (other mercs?) would hunt out ass down. But if player wants to stop the chase, he can call the mentioned corrupt cop and bribe him to end the pursuit.
Of course, none of this were in the game. Cops only spawn and attack. Funny enough, game has the chase ai for the cars - you can see it in action if you do the gig with picking up car from the mine field, another car will chase and shoot you for the long time. The ai is rather awful, but it exists. Why it wasn't added for cops so they would at least chase player? No idea.
Combat is... fine. Not something extraordinary, but fun enough. Stealth has a lot of options with all these hackable devices scattered around the levels to distract enemies (making holo on the funeral dance was something). Hacking is good, reminds me of Syndicate a lot, maybe only a bit too slow to activate.
Clothing system looks really cool visually (but for some reason if you wear anything on your head, you will be bald in cutscenes), but it's ballance is quite terrible. You found a good item? Well, few minutes later you will find even better one. You want to keep old one because it looks cool? Sure, there is an upgrade system! Except for it makes no logical sense, since each subsequent upgrade is muhc more expencive, so eventually upgrading your pants from 5 to 9 armor will cost more than upgrading other pants from 80 to 85. Even Assasin's Creed solved that problem, they could just copy that system, but instead they made this, and i see no actual purpose for it.
Weapon customisation is lacking. The only muzzle attachment i could find were various silencers. There is also scopes, and...some mods.
Bullets are weird. Enemies rarely ever drop them. So you must either buy them at the shop (in very limited quantities), or... diassemble loot from the enemies and craft new bullets from scrap, because you obviously having a factory in your pocket. Also sometimes you can find boxes with ammo, always the wrong type) I would rather just pick them up from enemies.
Loot - there is just too many of it. I still have no idea why i should bother picking up junk, but at some point in game i stopped bothering to pick up anything at all - too much stuff to disassemble or sell, too much micromanagement for no good reason.
Implants are fine. There are various builds, one of the option is to fully remove hacking ability in favor of having powerful combat buffs, for example. Only thing i do not understand is why V are not allowed to have any visible modifications, since everyone around have them. My guess is either developers not having enough time to do that properly, or some suit coming and saying that "player cannot associate himself with heavily augmented person". For the refference - this thing were said to me once, so i would not even be surprised if it's the same here.
Jumping implants are deserving special mention - they opening up a lot more ways to complete missions and just traverce the city, doing miracles of parkour (and parkouring in this game are very satisfying, there is just too much possible ways to go trough). Best implant i had in this game, would cut my legs again.
Perks are weird. Some of them are very useful. Others - extremly situational. And i have not a slightest idea what kind of drugs used the guy who designed a perk that not allowing to spot the player under the water, or how it is suposed to be used. Also, entire progression is... idk, maybe i played wrong by using everything a bit, but in the end of the game, after completing all missions i had my max skill level at 13, there was not enough enemies to level it more.
V's appartment are rather useles feature, you do not even getting new emails because you have phone with messages. Didn't saw the reason why i should even visit that place again.
Cars were rather terrible expirience, until i bought an Appolo bike. Seriously, try out this boy: Compared to other bikes it looks ugly, but for some reason it was the only vechicle that had comfortable controls, were not constantly leaning right or left, and with proper use of space capable of making some really cool drifts. Not to mention it being able to easily drive between other cars (that have tendency to become stuck on the road), trough various alleys and even up the stairs. That bike was my second best investment after the leg augmentation.
Character editor... cannot say anything good about it. It's very basic, has absolutly useles features like genital customization (that you will never is in game, not even once). It lacks many basic colours like white (what is named white is actually blue in game), and has a terrible green ligthing that changes existing colours.
Music. I have no problem with music that is in the game, especially background soundrack. Found a funny new band i never heared about thanks to it. But in the same time radio kinda gets very repetitive fast. There could be much more music in game without any expences at all - i am most certain that many not very known or midly popular bands would gladly gave them their music for free just to have such ax exposure. Since one of the main characters are rockerboy, and rock\metal plays huge role in the story - i am very surpried to have very few heavy songs in the list, and most of them are quite traditional (so no sympho, gothic, even electro-metal, that would be very much suiting in this setting). How all the cyber punks are living without cyber punk rock? Also, i remember game producer saying that Japenese are considered as an upper class in this universe, but we only have one Japanese band for an entire game. Why? Just take a moment and listen to this: I can almost guarantee that nobody here knows this band, yet they are simply amazing, and if you will translate the lyrics - you will also see that it would be quite fitting into this setting. Both game and band would benefit greatly if this would end up being among the soundtrack, and i know a lot more bands like that.
Bugs... a lot of them, mostly cosmetic and hilarious, but sometimes i had to reload my saves, and even more than just once because either i, or my mission progress were stuck. Could not finish cyberpsycho questline because guy with key item just despwaned. Especially liked Arasaka soldier with key from the elevator who blinked in and out of existence, it took a lot of reloads to figure out what to do with this toughest of bosses:
Also, remember the quest line with meditation? The one that involved looking at beautiful landscapes? Well, here is how last of them were looking for me >_<
But bugs are bugs, any big game comes out with them, and they eventually will be fixed. What bothers me more is all that unfinished or half-assed mechanics, some of them (such as police) looks like mere placeholder, while others (like clothing system) are clearly results of a bad design. And most of those elements are not just bad - they are more primitive than features available in games 10 or even 20 years ago. In the end, CDPR wanted too much, but ended up making game with aaa-quality world, and mechanics that are bellow quality of indie games with no budget.
So... what happened? How could the company who had 7 years since the initial announcment, all the money in the world and incredible amount of employees allow such an unprofessional works and unfinished features to be shipped? And especially if it's a company who's reputation were one of the most valuable assets? After thinking a lot about it, bad management and direction is the only thing that comes in mind. Someone were responcible for all the planning, for hiring wrong people for the wrong job and either realizing it too late or not realizing at all, for cutting various corners when initial plans failed, and finally for shipping the game with unfinished features despite promising not to. It felt like there were no real game designer's vision behind the game, and instead lots of ideas were thrown in pretty randomly, and developed as well - various departments working on their own with very little communication or direction. Of course, that is only my assumption, but the fact that on emergency investor call CDPR representative said that "hiring more people would not solve the issue" only proves my theory. It is rather ironic - to see how game about corpos ruining and exploiting everything they touch also being ruined by the corporate leadership...
Overall, i can say that i enjoyed the game despite all the issues. Great visual design and decent story did a good job at distracting me from problematic moments, and i wanted to thank all the talanted workers who made it possible. Your work is breathtaking!
But at the same time the amount of obvious, glaring failures, combined with tons of false promises is inexcusable. I am glad to see that company are working on fixing it, and even delayed online version to do that, but only time will tell how it will go, because this game needs a ton of work to become at least close to it's marketed image.
I hope someone... at least read this far, let alone found some useful information in this review >_< See you, choombas!
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